it is a rejection of a little part of Darwin's theory, yes, I know. I do agree with the main part though.
unnecessary traits might not always lead to extra cost, and even then, the extra cost might not always lead to extinction.
the extinction usually happens when a trait that represents a disadvantage in a sufficiently heavy competition for survival. If the competition is low enough, the trait may survive.
im sure some other companies that are allowed to use android will soon make devices like this to reach the global market. the device looks too attractive and convenient to remain a small niche.
we barely know a thing about them. maybe they were burning trash on the sidewalk
i like playing traffic rider while listening to something on yt. you ride a motorcycle between a bunch of cars and try not to crash.
how are you defining irrational? the definition i know is not base dependent.
whatever works...
what we have to resist here is the urge to engage with this sort of bullshit. the actual resistance is in ignoring this and focusing on what actually matters
youre right, i take it back
ohoho, thankyou ☺️
not everything in a language is helpful.
a lot of people use android tablets with bluetooth keyboards as if they were laptops