oh, you meant that since russians cannot contribute, then they're not going to work with american companies that want to have their firmwares supported by the kernel.
be mindful of what info you want out of instagram before opening it. open it, get what you were looking for and get out. dont let it suck you in. turn off notifications. maybe install it in the work profile (if you use android) and leave the profile disabled when youre not using it.
i try to only open it once a week, like i do with my personal email. otherwise i get sucked into it when i procrastinate. but i admit i mostly rely on some friends finding out about local events.
cant you still get info on that firmware by just reading the kernel source code? how does contributing code get you info?
you underestimate too much. trump is just a face, there are plenty of people working with him and planning all kinds of shit. any kid plans some trickeries while playing board games. what makes you think a political group is incapable of forethought?
what do you mean by "export controls"? backdoors?
the article mentions that the tool takes into consideration architecture, distance between buildings and so on. i think youd have to mess up the backgrounds somehow
when did she lose them? im not implying she didnt, i may just be out of the loop
"for people"
This doesn't mean a lot for people who don't know about people, or dont want to look it up.
i wouldnt mind it if its natural. the issue with it being artificial would probably be the personality behind creating it than on the ass itself.
i notice that when im sick, it takes longer for me to get better if i have a mustache. Not that i walk around with snot hanging to it, i hope not. But i guess something sits there, and i breath it all day and stay sick.
i see