
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 21 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

And then, to perfectly demonstrate your point: 90% of this comments section!

[–] [email protected] 96 points 1 day ago (8 children)

Firefox now includes safeguards to prevent sites from abusing the history API by generating excessive history entries, which can make navigating with the back and forward buttons difficult by cluttering the history. This intervention ensures that such entries, unless interacted with by the user, are skipped when using the back and forward buttons.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

You're right, based on those definitions the word doesn't mean what I intended. I don't know what the right word would be. I used it to mean one who overreacts to relatively minor or inconsequential transgressions, taking drastic, often out-of-proportion or only tangentially relevant actions to rectify perceived harms.

One example would include people ditching the entire company Proton, an entity with a stellar track record of improving the state of privacy on the internet, after a single member of their board made some dipshit comments. Another example might include the general reaction a few months ago when that misleading story about Mozilla and ad tracking was making the rounds. Other more extreme examples would be the passing of the Patriot Act and invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan following 9/11, or the Israeli response to 2023's attack on them.

[–] [email protected] 55 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Well now I'm just gonna download it even harder.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

He's saying they're wrong for not currently being open.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

It's owned by, but not made by - they acquired it at some point. I don't think they've really done much to it since acquisition but I assume they have things planned, because otherwise why buy it?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I'm in pretty deep on the email side to the point where leaving would take days or weeks of effort. I'm not above making that effort if I think it's necessary though. I do not yet think it's necessary.

I did just start using my second Proton product, Standard Notes, around two months ago. I'm not honestly sure if I'll renew it when it expires - we'll see how the year goes. I honestly have very little expectation that Proton is enshittifying or turning evil. I'll be very surprised if it becomes a recurring pattern for them.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 6 days ago

15 is the percent of the tip, not the percent increase in tip income over the last decade. If the tip percentage stays constant, then the tip amount rises in direct proportion to the food cost. The fair comparison is rent increase vs. restaurant food price increase. The data I found indicates rent's gone up at an average of 4% per year in the last decade, and that restaurant food prices have risen by a similar amount - anywhere from 3-7% depending on the industry.

Everyone is struggling. It is not unique to servers. And I do tip - just a reasonable 15%. If a server is struggling to get by on 15% tips, they should harass their boss and their senator, not their customers who are likely struggling as well.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 days ago (3 children)

I still thinks his takes were bad and tone-deaf. I get that he liked a certain appointee Trump made that's relevant to his industry. And, knowing nothing at all about the appointee myself, they may in actuality be a good pick. But he went well beyond praising the appointee, to praising Trump and Republicans in general - albeit for the specific narrow topic of "reigning in big tech".

While his takes were arguably valid given recent history (I'd still say not), it was completely tone deaf to the reality of what the present-day Republican party and Trump mean for America, and especially ignorant of the obvious buddying-up big tech has done with Trump in the past few months.

I think if he narrowly aimed his praise at the appointee herself, without then making sweeping generalities about Republicans vs. Democrats, that nobody here would even be aware of who he is, let alone what he said.

I do think the internet in general tends to be very reactionary - I don't think Lemmy is any more reactionary than, say, reddit, but both are very reactionary. Anyone who jumps ship over this guy's comment will just end up jumping ship again from whatever their new ship is, after that company makes some move they see as imperfect in a few months or years. No company is perfect. Proton is at least great.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 6 days ago (6 children)

I'll vouch for Proton. The recent controversy wasn't great but it's also a single negative incident for a company that has otherwise had a pretty stellar track record. I recommend reading his responses in the reddit AMA he did after the incident. I still think he's a fool, but I don't think he's fascist or that there's any reason at all to doubt the privacy, security, or direction of the company, which is both partly open source and regularly audited.

I've been using ProtonMail for probably around 7 years now and it's been great.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I'm punishing them by giving them what was until 10 years ago considered an excellent and standard tip?

Not to mention that servers are, as a general group, extremely opposed to dismantling the tip system as a whole. My complaint wasn't about raised food prices, which the owner would be in control of - it was about raised tipping percentage expectations. I refuse to contribute to the steadily rising expectation of how much a tip should be, and regret my past contributions to that trend.

[–] [email protected] 60 points 1 week ago (9 children)

Back when 15% was considered standard I liked tipping closer to 30%, but as a direct result of the push to try to make 15% seem low I no longer tip more than 15%.


Why YSK: Certain topics are stressful and tend to spread all over the site, including to unrelated communities. Blocking communities can be overkill and ineffective, and likewise for blocking individual users.

To do so, open up the uBlock Origin dashboard, go to the 'My filters' tab, and add this filter:


For example:


Then apply the changes and reload any open tabs, and all posts which contain any of your filtered words will simply not show up.

You'll have to change "lemmy.world" at the start to whatever your actual instance is. You can filter as many or as few words as you want, just keep the / at the start, the /i at the end, and separate words with | pipes. What's actually being filtered is a case-insensitive regex, if you want to get fancy with it.

Here are equivalent filters for reddit and Ars Technica:

arstechnica.com##:not(:not(head>title:has-text(/^Ars Technica/))) article:has-text(/word1|word2|word3|word4/i)

As a disclaimer, I made these myself, and I'm not particularly familiar with creating uBlock Origin filters. There may be better ways to do this. Also the reddit one is specific to old.reddit.com, and the lemmy filter is made to work with the default lemmy.world web UI and may not work on other UIs without tinkering.

Yes, I know I'm just hiding my head in the sand.

Coin-flipping game (lemmy.world)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We're playing a game. I flip a coin. If it lands on Tails, I flip it again. If it lands on Heads, the game ends.

You win if the game ends on an even turn, and lose otherwise.

Define the following events:

A: You win the game

B: The game goes on for at least 4 turns

C: The game goes on for at least 5 turns

What are P(A), P(B), and P(C)? Are A and B independent? How about A and C?

Bounding a function (lemmy.world)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Consider the function defined by y = x^(sin(x)^sin(x)). Observe its graph. Find an increasing function which passes through each of its local maximums, and another increasing function which passes through each of its local minimums.

Extra credit: You'll notice the graph isn't drawn for x-values which make sin(x) negative. This is because most of those values make the function undefined - though it is defined for infinitely many points in those intervals, it just also has infinitely many holes. Since it lacks continuity here, it has no true local maxes or local mins, and doesn't impact the original problem. We can nonetheless cheat and fill in the holes by expanding the function to these regions with y = x^|sin(x)|^sin(x) (Using x^-|sin(x)|^sin(x) should also be technically valid, but is being ignored because it's discontinuous with the rest of the graph and not as pretty, but will be mentioned in my solution). Doing so adds more local maxes and local mins. The new local mins should line up with your function that finds the local maxes for the original function - but, find a new function which hits all of the new local maxes.


(x/5)^log_b(5) - (x/6)^log_b(6) = 0

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
Index of my unnamed series of posted problems
Date Post
2024-05-07 Find a+b
2024-05-09 What is the area of the shaded region?
2024-05-15 Solve for x
2024-05-17 Bounding a function
2024-05-22 Coin-flipping game
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

An 8x5 rectangle. If the bottom left corner is considered (0, 0), then two lines are drawn within the rectangle, from (0, 4) to (8, 1) and from (1, 5) to (7, 0). The smaller two regions of the four these lines cut the rectangle into are shaded. What is their combined area?

Find a+b (lemmy.world)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The image is of a large unit square with five smaller disjoint shaded squares contained entirely within it. The five smaller squares are congruent. Four of them are at each corner of the large square. The fifth is in the center, rotated diagonally, so the center of each of its sides is touched by the vertex from one of the other four squares. You are given that the common length for the five smaller congruent squares is (a-sqrt(2)) / b, where a and b are positive integers. What is the value of a + b?


I read this article and still walked away feeling like I didn't understand the situation that well.

Is it $56 billion that he's already been paid, and he needs to return it? $56 billion he's partially been paid, and he can keep what he has, but won't get the rest? Something more complicated?

U.S. Presidents (ankiweb.net)
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sharing an Anki deck I made for learning the US presidents. I've always been mediocre at best when it came to remembering them, but in about a week with this deck I can now list them all, in order, including their years in office.

Card fronts will display either their order, name, or their years in office. Card backs will display all of that, in addition to their official white house portrait, political party, vice president(s), and the president who preceded and succeeded them. Also includes a note for presidents who died in office, detailing how they died. When using the deck I study it by attempting to remember both of the missing pieces of information from the front of the card. I put a fair amount of effort into trying to get the cards to look nice as well, and in particular trying to get elements of the card to stay in place when swapping between front and back - I don't like when things jump around.

I might share other decks in the future. I have decks I made for US/Canadian/Australian state/province/territory locations and capitals, but for all three of those I used maps from decks other people made, so I'm not sure on the etiquette of sharing something like that. I did make a chemical element deck from scratch that I'm pretty proud of and will probably share at some point, though - I'm just not sure if I'm done tinkering with it yet.

I'm pretty new to Anki but have enjoyed learning how to create nice decks. If you download this and find any sort of issues or bugs, please let me know.


Note that I'm using autohotkey v2, not v1.

I want to run two different autohotkey scripts. I want to trigger a hotstring in the first script, the output of which ends up being part of the hotstring trigger for the second script. Is this possible?

Here's a simplified version of my intended workflow.

Script 1:

#Hotstring EndChars \
#Hotstring o
#Hotstring ?

Script 2:

#Hotstring EndChars \
#Hotstring o
#Hotstring ?

So the idea is that I can type niv\ and the first script will convert it to nǐ - then I can immediately type \ and the second script will convert it to 你. So I type niv\\ and my text goes from niv to nǐ to 你. I can then type hav\o\ and have my text go: h, ha, hav, hǎ, hǎo, 好. So I can do niv\ hav\o and get nǐ hǎo, or I can do niv\\ hav\o\ and get 你 好. Both writing systems in a reasonably simple format.

There are reasons I want to set it up like this. The first script has dozens of functions beyond writing in pinyin/chinese, and I share it with another person - so I don't want to add potentially hundreds of random Chinese hotstrings to it, just the special pinyin characters. That's why I'm using two scripts.

But I also realize I could just make "niv" and "havo" their own hotstrings which go directly to 你 and 好 without the intermediate nǐ and hǎo. I don't want to do this mostly because I think the system I have in mind is prettier - type it correctly in pinyin first, then have it correctly convert to Chinese.

All of that aside: I've gathered that this is probably possible using some combination of SendLevel and #InputLevel - but I've tried a bunch of different combinations and ideas with it, and haven't successfully had one script trigger another yet. Even in simplified toy scripts, which is a little discouraging. Ideally I'd be able to do this with as few changes to the main script I share with another person as possible - the script that handles the Chinese can be as complicated as it needs to be though. Anyone know how to make this work?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/ikTA97e

Those photos were taken under extreme magnification and bright light - the actual size is about the size of an uncooked grain of rice. Maybe smaller. This one was killed by freezing to preserve its form.

In the last few days I've started to see a lot of these - I can find one crawling across my desk every 5 or 10 minutes if I remember to look (Though I can't find where they're coming from at all). They don't move all that fast - they're frankly pretty easy to capture or squash.

In person I don't think they look very much like ants but in the closeup I think they kind of do. Also hoping they aren't termites.

Thanks for any help.

Edit: Here's a video of one scurrying across my desk too: https://imgur.com/a/ZC15gNZ


For example - if a popular TV show is about to have its season or series finale, or a sport league is about to have its championship game. Are there any websites that track these, without all the noise of less important shows or games, to keep track of?

ESPN.com does seem to track upcoming sporting events pretty well, but it's not that easy to tell which upcoming games are "big" for the league in question or not.

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