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Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers and Robbers.

Welcome to c/stalker, a community to discuss the highly acclaimed S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise created by GSC Game World. Discussions pertaining to the Strugatsky brothers' Roadside Picnic as well as the Tarkovsky film are also welcome.

Don't get lost in The Zone...

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founded 2 years ago

As I pointed out in the title, consider everything below this phrase as spoilers. Gonna space it out as much as possible to exclude them from the post preview.

So, ok. I finished the game and ended up siding with the Doc (this one's clear to me).

As anyone who also went with this one would know, this means I, at one point, fought our favourite (?) thespian madman, Scar, and got that mega-twist about how someone's just a copy of someone else.

And this is where I lost the plot, who got copied over whom? Was it Marshal* over Scar, or Scar over Marshal*? Because this Scar doesn't, well... have a scar. I literally felt my brain sizzling at that point and I completely lost the plot as far as this character's concerned.

Edit: * corrected from "Mitchell," which should also indicate just how in the weeds I am about this...

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by latenightnoir@lemmy.world to c/stalker@lemmy.world

So, I'm finally running through S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. I played a bit at launch but took a break to allow for some patches.

I knew from back then that I shouldn't expect roaming packs of stuff or persistent NPC AI across the map. Fine. Got ambushed by a lot of random Military, I bore witness to random Bandits getting wiped by a huge gang of Snorks with both having spawned directly behind a truck garage - it was really funny to watch, though, not as funny to mop up the dozen Snorks...

But the thing which stung the most happened just now. I've been cutting the South-Western corner of The Cage at the Cement Plant to get to the region's South-Eastern corner to explore it. I knew I had the Machine Tractor Station at my 2 o'clock, and that's where the aforementioned Snork bonanza occurred, after it greeted me with 6 Bandits and two Bloodsuckers when I first got there.

As I exited the building site perimeter, I ran into a group of Loners coming from the South-ish. My mind instantly thought: "oh, that means the Tractor Station's clear, otherwise these peeps would've been loot fodder for the return trip." And I immediately realised that, no, it only means that they may have spawned behind the perimeter wall, out of my sight line.

And now I have to sneak through a ditch because I don't want more Bloodsuckers.

Update: decided to double-back through the Tractor Station when returning to the Factory (no way I'm going in a train depot with a Seva-D, thanks!), and, of course, killed 6 Bandits, got my ass chased away by two Bloodsuckers as I finished looting, which were ambushed by a dozen Snorks as I was booking it toward The Cage. Of course!


So I'll get STALKER 2 for Christmas tomorrow. What's going on in the sub? Still people alive here?


Just started up the game for the new update (1.1) and the option to continue is gone, the option to load is grayed out, and starting a new game shows none of the save slots are used.

My save files are still in the appdata directory (and I have backups anyway), and my settings didn't get changed to defaults or anything.

Is there any way to fix this shit so I don't have to start all the fuck over again? I was hella near the end of the game...

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by slazer2au@lemmy.world to c/stalker@lemmy.world

A whooping 110GB patch. About as much as the original game install.


Beautiful smile, though..

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Kolanaki@yiffit.net to c/stalker@lemmy.world

I'm not really sure what to do with them. I've played the previous games and there are plenty of times where a seemingly random pda was super useful for a hidden, unmarked quest (and, shit, even the real ending for the first game), so I've just been keeping every PDA, note, research packet, USB drive, etc in my roaming stash box.

Which ones should I hang onto and which are just there for a gag/reference and some cash? I have so fucking many of these things lol


I've watched a few video reviews and obviously there's a new story and overhauled graphics. But besides that, what's actually different in the new title compared to the old games? Any new game mechanics or improved systems?

I greatly enjoyed the original STALKER series and there's certainly something to be said for "don't fix what isn't broken". But the enemies, weapons, inventory system, etc. in the new game look like stuff I'd already seen circa 2008 (again, modern graphics aside). In what ways is this more than just a remake/remaster?


Hello, stalkers.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is getting a first patch during the week to come — both on PC and Xbox.

The game has been out for several days now (it’s still surreal to say that), and we’ve been following your feedback in all possible forms carefully. To the more than one million stalkers in the Zone, thanks for playing — that means the world to us.

We are sure you have things to handle in the Zone, but so do we.

The following update will include:

Crash Fixes, including:

  • Issues and memory allocation failures, which previously caused the game to exit unexpectedly, particularly around rendering, skeletal meshes, and quest-related cutscenes.

Main Quest Progression Fixes, including:

  • Several bugs blocking the main quest progression, NPCs getting stuck in objects, incorrect quest markers, and issues with quest cutscenes.
  • Revision of the main quests (like Visions of Truth or A Minor Incident) to ensure smooth transitions, avoiding rare cases of players not being able to proceed further.

Gameplay & Balance Adjustments, including:

  • Fixing the price of the weapons with upgrades installed compared to their value without attachments.
  • NPCs behavior, including the way they act when lacking a shelter during the Emissions.

Cutscenes & Visual Fixes, including:

  • Rarely missing facial animations, misplaced NPCs, and visual inconsistencies like detached heads and clothes clipping.
  • Quality and stability improvements of the visual effects.

Softlock Fixes, including:

  • Issue where players were unable to close the trade screen after putting ammo in a wrong slot while playing on a gamepad.

User Interface Improvements, including:

  • Quest notifications now showed correctly during dialogues.
  • Corrected texts and missing interaction prompts.

Noted to be addressed in future updates:

  • Analogue sticks dead zones bugfixes.
  • A-Life system bugfixes.

We want to reassure you once more that we will make every effort to constantly improve your S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl experience. We are truly grateful for your feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Your GSC Game World team.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by slazer2au@lemmy.world to c/stalker@lemmy.world

154GB download expanding to 160GB install

T minus 1 hour (www.timeanddate.com)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by slazer2au@lemmy.world to c/stalker@lemmy.world

Feel bad for those in unfortunate countries with bad internet like Australia and regional areas with no pre download available.


The launcher works and installs almost all the necessary mods (I get a "no valid game data" flag in MO2 for 10 mods and their folder are indeed empty except for a .ini file), the game launches and plays, but inserting a weapon part into a weapon crashes the game every time.

The error message is about item_exo_device.script:21 attempt to get exo_mcm (nil value).

I fixed it by installing GAMMA in a real Windows install and then manually copying the content of the folders of those mods (just GAMMA/mods) that were flagged by MO2 from the Windows official GAMMA launcher to my gamma-launcher Linux install. Some of those flagged mods were indeed correctly downloaded by the official Windows GAMMA installer and their folders were filled with files, so I simply copied those to my Linux install.

Namely, the mods referencing exo suits and exo suits noise were the cause of my crash (no idea what installing a weapon part in a starter weapon has to do with exos).

Now the issue of part stripping and reinstalling is fixed!

I still have issues with MO2 itself (I can't activate/deactivate mods, doing so freezes MO2 and the changes simply don't stick; also running Anomaly Launcher from MO2 doesn't really work, as it actually launches only when I click Run and then CLOSE MO2), but at least the game is playable (for now).

See you in the Zone!

Also watch Shadow of the Zone by Evan Royalty on YT, pretty nice short movie set in the STALKER universe


I wanted to play it again, and reinstalled everything, but I first got a shader compilation error and then, after reinstalling it again and again, an "out of memory" error.

I'm using DravenusRex's gamma-launcher. The stock Anomaly works, but after doing gamma-install and launching the game through MO I get those errors.

I tried both my previously downloaded 1.5.1 + 1.5.2 update, and letting gamma-launcher take care of everything (so downloading Anomaly + update).

Could it be because gamma-launcher installs 1.5.2 but then pulls the mods for 1.5.3, or is it the opposite (installs 1.5.3 and downloads 1.5.2 mods), or..?

The shader compilation error I was getting was about something_water.ps

Last time I used DravenusRex's guide I had no issues...

I'm playing through Lutris and I have issues with both System Wine 9.0 and WineGE 8.26 (speaking of which, no more WineGE updates, right? Shouldn't be a problem though, as the game ran almost flawlessly on WineGE 8.26)

Edit: apparently the issue is not on my end, something changed with the way files are downloaded and it causes some things to not get prpperly downloaded. Not much to do until Mord3rca updates the gamma-launcher I guess


So this just dropped! Allowing console players to enjoy the true beauty of the stalker games. Much live to GSC for doing this 💙💛


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 has a new, final release date: 5 September 2024.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by mumei@lemmy.world to c/stalker@lemmy.world

I don’t like being able to outrun most creatures in the Zone (in what world a man carrying 30kg of equip can run faster than dogs?), so does anyone know of a mod to increase creatures’ running speed? Also, can I add it to a GAMMMA install without breaking anything?

Thanks in advance!

edit: if not a mod, I'd also take a way to manually edit a file where creatures' speeds are stored


Hello everyone,

I am crossposting this from /c/linux_gaming

I wanted to write a guide on how to play Anomaly on Linux which works as of 19th November 2023.

I use Arch with KDE plasma (and I also tested it with Xfce4) and it works perfectly fine, it even seems to work on Wayland session but I haven't done extensive testing. It should work for any distro as long as it has what you need. So here it goes.

Step 0: Requirements

You'll need to have Steam, Protontricks, and obviously the game files downloaded from the official sources

Step 1: Extract the game files

You can put them wherever you want, I personally chose ~/Games/Anomaly/. Essentially put the ".7z" files wherever and extract them, I do this with this terminal command:

7z x Anomaly-

and then

7z x Anomaly-1.5.1-to-1.5.2-Update.7z

Make sure to overwrite anything when extracting the 1.5.2 patch

Step 2: Add the game to steam

Open up steam, on the top right go to games > Add a non-Steam game > Browse and then navigate to and select the .exe file, then Add program.

Step 3: Set up Steam compatibility layer

On your Steam library Right click the Anomaly game and go to Properties > Compatibility and click Force the use of a specific compatibility layer and select whichever proton version you prefer. I went with Proton experimental and it works fine. After all of this is done, run it once and wait for it to crash.

Step 4: Protontricks compatibility

Now open up protontricks, I'll use the GUI via running:

protontricks --gui

Then, select the Anomaly game > Default profile > Install DLL and you'll want to select these:

  • d3dcompiler_43
  • d3dcompiler_47
  • d3dx10
  • d3dx11_43
  • d3dx9
  • d3dx9_43

Let it install everything then close it and launch the game via steam. You're set to go.


Deadly anomalies, dangerous mutants, anarchists, bandits, free stalkers, players and partners are heartily invited to join us and play the demo of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl at gamescom 2023 on 23-27 August.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Ginjutsu@lemmy.world to c/stalker@lemmy.world
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