this post was submitted on 11 Jul 2024
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Nintendo stopped trying to push elite hardware after getting burned by the N64. They released a 64 bit console in an era of 32 bit consoles and didn't dominate is sales like they expected.
They did with the GameCube.
The GameCube absolutely spanked the Dreamcast and PS2 in terms of performance, and wasn't far off the original Xbox.
But the PS2 demolished the GameCube in sales. Thet outsold them about 8 to 1. So that just makes it another example of the high end hardware NOT helping their sales like the comment you replied to was saying.
Yeah, that's true. I was only replying to the N64 being the last of that era for Nintendo aspect of their comment.
Wasn’t the GameCube the last one? Considering Wii was the first console they released that wasn’t graphically on-par with the competition.
The Game Cube was limited compared to the rest of the generation as well, but I think it was due to the smaller storage space on the dumb tiny discs.
GameCube could render more polys than PS2 though. RE4 Leon model was 2x as many polys on GameCube than PS2.
It had more powerful hardware, but the decision to use smaller discs unfortunately still held it back in asset quality. Textures and audio had to be more compressed in order to fit into the 1.5GB discs as opposed to the PS2's 4.7GB. The Tony Hawk games for example looked and sounded worse on the GameCube, but they also ran better on it.
It's even worse, PS2 supported dual layer with up to 8.5GB.