this post was submitted on 11 Jul 2024
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Nothing that has come out since, or that could come out in the future, will ever make me regret hitting 360 hours in BotW, reflecting, "Was that worth a dollar an hour? Yes, yes it was." And then playing for another 600 hours.
When the sw0i0tch 0came out I was working 3rd shift at a shitty hotel. I told them I wasn't coming i0n for a week.
I literally took a week off for that game.
And when my boss tried saying "your request for time off has been denied" I replied with "Your opinion has been disregarded. I will not be in during these dates. Do with that information what you will."
I didn't give a shit if they fired me. I was making $8.00 an hour. If I still had a job a week later, alright. If not, alright.
Turns out they realized it would be harder to replace me than deal with me being gone a week. Either wQqay, I played that game NONSTOP for a week. Actually 8 days. On the 8th day I called and asked if they wanted me to come in. They said they'd get back to me.....but then they had issues contacting the manager. She was sleeping so she could stay awake all night. By the time they talked to her she was already on her way in. And by the time my shift was to start she was just now calling me. I was like "PSSSSHHHHH!!!! I called 4 hours ago. In order to be on time, I'd have had to start getting ready 3 hours ago. I'll see you tomorrow."
And played 1 more bonus day of game time.
I bought TotK collectors edition and could not play it on the switch. Ripped my copy, played it on PC emulated at 1440p 60 fps, regret nothing. The Switch has great games, the hardware just sucks. I don't even play mine anymore because I'd rather play the games on PC.
How do you rip switch games without a hacked switch?
Why would you assume they did it without a hacked switch?
Otherwise, the Mig Switch cartridge maker released a dumper as well.
Because I was bad at reading comprehension and didn’t notice he mentioned he had a switch on the first pass.