this post was submitted on 09 Jul 2023
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I know it's long, but this is a pretty well thought out critique of Tears of the Kingdom - giving a lot of thought into what the game got right, what it got wrong, how/why the wrong parts were wrong, as well as how they could have been better.

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[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 years ago (20 children)

I think the whole video is pretty well thought out, but I found myself agreeing most with the critique of the control system - I put 245 hours into the game and, while I only lost my weapon while trying to use ultra hand a few times (Almost lost it a whole bunch of times though), pressing one button when I meant to use another was a constant theme of my playthrough.

Another pet peeve of mine that didn't get mentioned is that you hold B to run on land, but X to swim faster in water. What's up with that?

[heavy story spoilers past this point] I do wish the video talked a bit more about the story. I think it was a good story, but that it could have been done a lot better - the entire thing with the secret stones and dragons seemed pretty cobbled together and deus ex machina-y. After a comment someone left in a different thread I made, I found myself wishing Zelda remained trapped as a dragon at the end of the game - since they did go through a lot of effort trying to drive home the point that it was a permanent change. This would then both make her sacrifice feel a lot more significant, and be a pretty neat setup for another direct sequel - where our goal is to go on some elaborate quest involving the other three dragons, who may or may not be the literal Din, Farore, and Nayru that created the Triforce. Only at the end of that game, once we'd assembled the full Triforce (For the first time in a while), would we then be able to use its magic to save Zelda in what I think would be a much more satisfying way than how TotK actually did it.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 years ago (4 children)

A third direct sequel would be too much. I think they got more than enough mileage of this version of Hyrule. I'm happier with Zelda turning back in this one, though they could have squeezed a post-game quest for that.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

@TwilightVulpine I can imagine a a sequel where you explore the continent North and West of Hyrule, and the ocean East and South. And the current version of Hyrule would be “rebuilt” as a safe place or home base type area, with cities and ruins restored etc…

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Even such a sequel would probably benefit more from having its own story like Majora's Mask rather than being necessary to wrap up Zelda's fate from TotK.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

@TwilightVulpine Yeah, a completely non Ganon story would be nice.

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