this post was submitted on 15 Nov 2024
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I want them to get every single fucking thing they voted for and for the US to collapse and get conquered by the Chinese who will put an end to that fucking Jesus bullshit
That's absolutely wild. I don't think I've read anything more unhinged in a long while.
The other option is another civil war. We are too far gone for sane democracy (or democracy at all) to return. Mine is the better of two options.
To pretend you've done any sort of rigorous assessment to come to this exact conclusion is obnoxious and insulting.
How's your way working? Last I checked it got us an election of a convicted felon with a Cabinet full of pedophiles and unqualified corrupt cronies.
How did the US help defeat Nazi Germany?...
A) Voting
B) the "marketplace of ideas"
C) ambushes and flamethrowers
An ml in world's clothing.
tHe EnEmY wIThIn