The world has that option. Come to think of it, it's pretty pitiful they haven't the humanity to stand up to this monster looming across the sea.
I want to ask if I should delete my account then do what the lemmings tell me.
Opposite actually. Means they don't like the idea
High schooler? Somebody is fucking
Fbi is watching
This is what we call a practical solution. The person in the lounge could be a NAZI for all you know.
We could all decide otherwise. That would mean ignoring nay sayers and aligning yourself with only people who share your values.
You caught me, I am a Fat Balding Italian. At least partially Italian.
General strike is the way to go. It's like peaceful protesting but it's devastating to the thing they care about most. Older gen are mostly trumpets so they also get hit when their generational wealth drys up and they get to be the ones worrying about making rent.
I've been saying it but most people are hard programed not to question anything and never stick their neck out. I would have hoped concentration camps would be a line in the sand but just look, all over the this post people are obsfucating who is responsible. They think it's important to assign blame to democrats, an almost irrelevant factor, after they proved they can no longer win elections at a national level.
Anyway, I'll be there with you when the strike hits. By that I mean the strike of the billy club as they throw me in a patty wagon for dissent.
Yep, we are all going to have to be decent human beings.
What do you suggest?
Your right friend. Getting involved in my community, being responsible for my neighbor, and advocating for justice is only a concept of a plan. Forcing myself out of bed in the morning, being a leader in the workplace and practicing my beliefs, being involved in local elections etc. Are details you are entirely uninterested in.
Or the people take a stand.