‘It didn’t use to be like this’: woeful US healthcare system exposed by CEO killing
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It really wasn't. I am 51 years old and I noticed a big shift when HMOs became a thing. Also, ask any doctor in or near retirement age and they will also tell you that it is very different now. Hell, twenty years ago it's when I started hearing about doctors closing private practices because of medical malpractice insurance costs exploding.
I think this is the end result of a deregulation perfect storm across multiple aspects of American healthcare.
Sure, it goes back to the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973. Technically it wasn't always like this.
But this has always been a nightmare shithole country where healthcare is for profit. It should be fucking free.
1973? Shit. Seems to line up with the time period of 1969-1977 when a whole bunch of shit got fucked for the common man.
Start of transition from FDR style governing which culminated with raygoon. What we are seeing today is a parasite utopia.
The worsening of this and a lot of other things which are now reaching unbearable abuse levels all align neatly with Neoliberalism, starting with Reagan.
Take the State from the job of Regulation and you naturally end up with lots of feedback cycles were all the natural uneveness in real markets (effects totally unaknowledged in Free Market Theory and which make most Markets there very opposite of competitive) snowballs into monopolies, cartels, networking effects and other means of market locking, feeding into becoming ever more so, and when entrenched enough being abused to the max, from enshittification to health insurers knowingly fraudulently refusing to pay the bills for life saving treatment because they know those people are too poor to sue them or will die before any lawsuit ends up in a judgment.
When it's all self-"regulation" and there's no "big government" smacking down on abuses, the objectives of the actors still left in the market with the most power are the ones which the system de facto is optimized to achieve, and without "big government" the most powerful actors in the market by far are Big Money, who will optimizing things so that they become even bigger money.
One of the things that FDR did that wasn't great was allowing health care to be organized into HMO's. Nixon then switched those HMOs from not for profit, to for profit in 1973 with the HMO act.
Prior to FDR, you paid the doctor with what you could. Not necessarily cash, but many towns provided a free house for their doctors and they were frequently paid in fresh produce.
Practices closing start at least by late 2000s, most of the 2010s there was a lot of consolidation, esp targeting provider firms with ownership shifting to PE firms. While health insurance newly hopped up on ACA regulations turn into mega corpos in their own right along with vertical integration.
Long story short, this is how the frog got cooked folks.
Kasier Permanente is a non profit so prolly has the best bones. All these parasites need to be nationalized under Kasier and then over a decade turned into a single payer, government ran organization model on of the successful templates across the world. Daddy pick which one he likes but this shot has to work.
This will never happen, i have better chance of exiting work class 🤡
53 here. Healthcare in America has never been worse in my lifetime.
20+ years ago I was told I'd have a $20 co pay by the Dr, and was billed almost $300. Because I didn't get pre approved to see an ear Dr. Insurance has been shit my entire life.