this post was submitted on 14 Jan 2025
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The article pretty clearly describes multiple cases of outright rape.
What are you talking about.
What’s next, are you going to tell me 50 Shades of Grey doesn’t depict healthy relationships?! /s
It’s pretty blatant assault.
I’m not calling for the guy to be executed or anything.
Frankly we need more rehabilitation than punishment anyway.
No dude (I'm assuming you're a dude). If you read the vulture article, there's assault.
I thought you were said that what was alleged didn't even rise to the level of assault, and honestly your earlier posts still read like that.
If that's the impression most people are getting, that may be why you're getting so down voted.
Tbh, I'm so tired of people that can't be bothered to read something and think about it before making assumptions that I'm done with it.
The ability to turn off notifications is something lemmy desperately needs
I think another issue is that these women’s accusations are evidence, just not conclusive evidence or proof. Witness accounts and the pictures she provided are absolutely evidence, though. Neil Gaiman saying it was consensual is, by that same metric, also evidence. Getting those accounts through journalism is insufficient evidence for a conviction, but not for people to form an opinion. They should also be willing to revise that opinion, if and when additional evidence emerges.
You raped my dog.
There, I gave you evidence that you raped my dog.
Yes, I agree that that is evidence, though again not conclusive evidence or proof. Are you surprised?
New adage. The more vehemently some internet commenter tries to defend a rapist the more guilty they are.