this post was submitted on 22 Jul 2023
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Tears of the Kingdom, one last time. I've done and collected everything I care about, which is pretty much everything except Korok Seeds, upgrading pointless armor and schematics (though I probably have all of those) and all that's left is to beat the game.
And then I'm finally free again! I can jump back into Monster Hunter Rise, which I haven't touched in two months. There's some endgame content I haven't even touched yet and I'm sure I'm rusty enough to have a very bad time! I can also finally take a look at Sealed Palace, an Ocarina of Time Rom Hack.
I probably won't get around to the next large game yet, Caligula Effect 2, which has been sitting on my shelf for a while. But I do want to finish that before Baten Kaitos releases, so I shouldn't wait too long.
How many hours did it take to reach this point in TotK? Also, do share your percentage after finishing the games (lower right corner in the map).
I haven't been able to play Monster Hunter World for couple of weeks, planning to finish a couple of smaller games before focusing on it again.
How did you like the first Caligula Effect? It's on wishlist, which is longer than Mt. Everest now, so no idea when I'll get to it. ๐
My final percentage was 84.83% after ~205 hours. I didn't think I'd have more than 70%, I was kinda surprised. I also forgot to add the monster medals to the list of things I don't care about.
The first Caligula was... okay. I liked it and completed it 100%, but I wouldn't recommend going that far. You can tell it was originally a Vita game, it looks quite awful. But that's also why I'm excited to play the sequel, it was made for modern hardware.
Wow, I only had 41.something. Just shows how much I still have left to do. But then again, I finished it at 90 hours, compared to your 205.
Thanks for the review. I will manage my expectations accordingly.