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I loved destiny all the way up to the witch queen, quit after that due to toxic elitism. But even not having spent money on Lightfall I hate seeing what it's become. The state of the game was just sad...
I stepped away before The Witch Queen, however I did play the last season of the expansion. Essentially I stepped back about 10-12 months to get some space away from the game. Lightfall has been disappointing, and even though I'm not a consistent PvP player (I'll periodically play IB), I have to say that the gripes from that community are legitimate.
Maps, Gambit, the ritual armor, all explanations revolve around the fact that they're not paid for content. It's frustrating, really. It's frustrating that the main PvP devs from Destiny are working on Marathon instead. I stated in the other thread that it's difficult being tossed onto Titan via RNG for three to four Gambit matches in a row (yes that's really happened)...even before Titan came back. If Titan and Mars were canonically gone, why did we keep them as a maps instead of The Dreaming City? Why Mercury, Mars, and Titan for Crucible? I digress because it's frustrating AF sometimes.
Overall I've gravitated away from the game more recently. Another Season of the Cost, where more content is locked behind another slab of silver. Granted it's optional, but this is the state of the game now. You want something nice you have to pay for it, or wait for the chance it MIGHT show up for bright dust randomly.
But you know...I hate Destiny; I play every day.
(really I play maybe twice a week now...and that's becoming a chore)
I bought the glowy ornaments day1 of solstice for bright dust, but actually got my flamekeeper title last night.
Either the cheaters gave up or bungie changed something because the PVP was the least frustrating it has ever been for me.
I mostly play solo or with randoms as people I used to play with just don't play anymore so Raids and Dungeons are things I just don't bother with at this point.