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@zkfcfbzr Hardest puzzle I ever did was the White Mountain Lucky Charms 500 piece puzzle. The box art of the puzzle washes over the sides, top and bottom, so you can’t get a clear picture, and there’s only like 5 lucky charms shapes and colors that repeat over and over again.
The last of the puzzles I just did was a Wasgij - which always does tricky things with the box art. For this one you're shown a scene on the front of the box, then the actual puzzle is what someone in that scene would see from their perspective - so most of the puzzle isn't actually shown, and the things that are shown are in the wrong perspective. It was interesting to do since my puzzle strategy usually relies heavily on comparing pieces to the box.
Okay, looked up Wagij, they look awesome. I want to try a few.
Just learned about Wasgij from you. And same question as I asked above. How do you even solve that? Isn't jigsaw all about seeing the picture and then matching the piece with the picture on board and so on.
That's my usual strategy - this was the first time I had to do it without really having a reference image. I didn't even try to use what was visible on the box.
It ended up not being too hard. In the beginning (after the edge obviously) I progressed by sorting pieces by color. As an example, I put every single piece with even a tiny bit of purple into one pile. Then I tried to connect the pieces in just that pile - which in the case of purple ended up making me 3 or 4 distinct objects. While I didn't know what I was making (I thought I was making a sea monster, ended up being a straw hat), the pool of pieces was low enough to make it not too hard to find connections.
Once I'd done that for all the colors that were rare enough to make that strategy useful, I was about half-way done - by which point it wasn't too bad to figure out what sorts of pieces I needed to find to extend which sections of puzzle I already had assembled. The only truly painful part was all the pieces that were just water - which would have been hard even with a reference picture.
It can also help to sort the pieces by shape: since there are so many fewer of the non-standard shapes you have a lot fewer pieces to check when you find a missing spot that's not going to to fit a standard piece. And you can get pretty tricky about how you spot where nonstandard pieces go: For example, two innie or two outie bits in a row on an edge mean one of them has to be nonstandard, as do a few other patterns.
The surprise is nice: The puzzle I did ended up being vaguely Christmas themed, which is something you can't tell from the box at all.
I am very intrigued. I am going to try to get one as soon as I can.
This sounds like a nightmare. Same charms, repeating over and over, in a jigsaw puzzle. How do you even make that?