this post was submitted on 14 Aug 2023
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Because nostalgia is a driving force for this franchise and BW committed the sin to dare not to rely on that. Which is why even when they cut the National Dex in Sword and Shield, they made sure nobody would miss that Charizard was still there.
They are constantly testing how little they can offer and still have people buy out of sheer nostalgia. That Indigo Disk DLC with the Blueberry Academy looks like it will be very barebones, just an enclosed environment with some Elite 4-like fights, but they made sure to show that all the old starter buddies are back, because they know people will flock to that.
My issues are exactly as you've described. Selling a top shelf product with as little effort as possible, and with as little content as possible.
But the biggest issue I've had really consists of the content the games have now. It doesn't feel like an adventure anymore. There is not thrill from discovery, or going to a new area where things might beat you up, while you're exploring and trying to find a way forward. Your hand is held all the way through, you're being told exactly what to do, and even if you lose, the game still lets you go through. It's just plain not fun anymore, for me personally
BW on it's own really were unimpressive and I understand the hate they recieved. Coming right after Platinum and HGSS left them with big shoes to fill that those games just couldn't. Not that they were bad, just not on par with what came before. What saved Gen5 was BW2, and personally changed my stance on BW. Both together make the best experience Pokemon ever had.
I haven't played enough Platinum to say for sure, but that doesn't sound right to me at all. BW alone was a very good game already.
Platinum added and changed so much that it's still considered the definitiv Gen4 version, even after BDSP released. It's really that different.
So I hear, but also that DP was really flawed before it. BW was pretty good by itself.
@Squiddy @TwilightVulpine L take