The cartridge art was always so kickass. You just had to use your imagination quite a bit...
Vintage gaming community.
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This is how I feel about mobile games. Even the good mobile games will have some epically animated scene that shows all out war between a bunch of magical badasses with explosions and all kinds of epic shit.
Then the gameplay is some low effort turn based game where the characters barely move and the attack effects are pathetic light shows.
To be fair actually sick effects and attacks would probably take like 30 seconds per turn. Looking at you final fantasy VII
But, I've been told my entire life that FFVII is literally the solely greatest thing ever and is itself the 2nd coming of christ its apparently so perfectionly good.
It is. Doesnt mean the turns aren't long though
I'm pretty sure that's minutes, not seconds.
Can't forget the microtransactions.
Mobile games could have been so much better than they turned out to be.