this post was submitted on 15 Sep 2023
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The Red Dead port is pretty awesome because it's Red Dead, runs well, and looks good still. No dynamic resolution abuse here! Having Red Dead poker on the go is awesome, and while the lack of gyro aiming is a bit sad, it's got that standard Rockstar hard snapping aim assist, so as long as you're okay with that, then it's no huge deal.
That's good to know. I played it on PS3, and not in a mood to play it again, but great to have it for anyone who hasn't played it before, or may want to play it again.
It's a good fit for a portable system, surprisingly, due to all the different activities. You can throw it on, run a couple bounties or just play some cards, and put it back away.
When they eventually put it on sale I'm sure it'll be more appealing to more people, the price is up there, but they really did put work into the port job and it shows.
I played 2 first without play 1. Now I’ve started I was immediately connected to Marston. But also adjusting to gameplay will take a while. 1 after 2 feels like a stripped back mobile version of 2. Still enjoying.
I kinda like it, but I'm also used to it since I played them in release order. I like not having to worry about replenishing cores, I like not having to cock guns after firing them, I like being able to hold infinite animal skins and such, and that you just sell everything and don't need to worry about crafting and stuff.
2 is awesome too, but it leans more sim and 1 is more "arcadey" is a short way to explain the difference.