this post was submitted on 01 Oct 2023
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Avengers was arguably the only one that deserved to flop, but Guardians and Midnight Suns are both referenced, which certainly have degrees of critical praise. It's a shame, but it seems like Marvel is learning the right lesson and leaning into single-hero, single-player games akin to Spider-Man, which I think is great news.
Midnight sons and Guardians have been massive successes and Avengers hadn't poisoned the well
No but it crushed any chances Guardians of the Galaxy had.
GotG was actually really good, but was largely ignored by gamers after being burned by Avengers.
@Blackmist @_Sprite it was a great game, enjoyed it more than the movies!
The first Spider-Man game was really cool, but it got old fairly fast. There's just not a lot there to keep it entertaining, or at least not for me.
It was old the second I picked it up. Literally every mechanic in the game maps to something from the Arkham games. It didn't do anywhere near enough to feel mechanically fresh to someone who played the crap out of the Arkham trilogy.
I never played those games. Did those have web swinging mechanics as well?
Batman swung between raised vantage points, although I'd say it's a stretch to compare that to the web swinging mechanics. The batman one was really just a single button initiated animation as you moved from one location to the other.
I'd say it's more akin to spiderman web grappling between perches like lamp posts
That's just to pick up speed though, you're mostly gliding. At least from Arkham City onwards.
In stealth sections, the grapple/web swing to move from ventage point to vantage point, is identical.
Obviously batman doesn't web-swing around Gotham, he uses his cape as a glider, with the grapple as a way to gain speed.
I didn't say spider-man didn't do anything differently, I said everything in the game maps to something in the arkham games. That the general structure of the entire game, is the same.
I'ts a city-traversing superhero game with collectibles, criminal control points you can neutralise, stealth sections with vantage points and vent crawling, block/attack based combat with incoming attack warnings and special moves you can use when you build enough combo. Story missions that involve following a marked vehicle from above, finding ways into buildings and clearing rooms of bad guys.
Most games take inspiration from half a dozen other games. Spider-man, is just arkham, and doesn't even mix it up in some way.
Damn I knew kids were getting high with vapes but I never knew how high.
Batman's stealth being given away by the sudden smell of watermelon every time