I've found so many variations e.g.
soak for 6 hours (minimize fermentation), soak for 3 days (to maximize available nutrients and purge phytic acid);
scrub to remove skins, or don't;
change water...or don't;
blend, boil, strain;
blend, strain, boil;
boil, blend, no straining;
Boil no more than 15 minutes or it will taste like miso paste Vs 20 minutes...Vs longer because beans take a long time to cook
extra condiments or thickeners Vs just sugar.
Sooo...has anyone tried a few of these to tell me which differences to expect?
I was leaning towards soak 24h, scrub skins, boil 15m, blend (my blender is not that strong, so that's why I'm boiling first, add sugar (no straining).
Is there a configuration that is less bitter or closer to nut milk? I'm trying to understand why I am doing things, so that I can control it, otherwise I'm just following random recipes and tweaking with no idea what's happening :P
PS: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GWoP0lc-KqY&%3Bpp=ygUIc295IG1pbGs%3D added this recipe with the "burnt pan" trick.
Sounds like this "vegan cooking" community is dead, if all the replies I get are "cooking is for minimum wage and unemployed people". lol
~~Store bought soy milk is really overpriced (margins of at least 50%), the typical price gouging that makes vegan products a luxury instead of the staple they should be :(~~
~~Besides, I want to find out whether homemade does have that special taste.~~
We can keep it active. :) Their attitude was a bit condescending to be honest and doesn't belong on a community literally for cooking your own food.