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Sorry I have to disagree with you. I’ll leave it as that. Since the only way to destroy a population is by deceasing the numbers. I think it’s self evident you must see a population decline.
So we will leave it at that. You think self defense is genocide and I think it’s when you try to exterminate a population.
No, you just can't understand the meaning of the word. I get it. Many people have trouble understanding the meaning of words. You seem to think self defense is genocide and while I find that odd, I get if from your view of the world. You just hate jews and think they should peacefully be exterminated. That is a stance I don't agree with and will always defend Israels right to sell defense.
You provided a definition but then ignore what it states. It clearly does not show Israel committing genocide. Not even close.
I am not taking an L because you don't understand the meaning of words.
It clearly states the destruction of people. That clearly isn't happening. Israel is only defending itself from the attack by the Palestinians. Nothing more. If any one is committing genocide, it's the Palestinians against the Israelis. Hamas has clearly said they want to destroy Israel. That is genocide.