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Really? Because both barney and that shit are equally fictional things to be concerned about
I don't give a singular fuck what the un has to say.
Lmao says the guy crying that I don't buy into your propaganda and actually base my opinions on facts
You're the only one in need of luck pal. Unfortunately it can't replace your lack of intelligence
Official Warning: Rule 1
Keep it argumentative, not abusive.
Lmao seems you people have nothing but projection. Hilarious how the only insults you know are the ones that apply to you
Liberals always call it a genocide. Worst genocide ever since the Palestinian population is one of the fastest growing populations in the world. They use words but don’t understand their meaning.
I am familiar with the word. Read the first sentence of the wiki article. It is the destruction of the people. That would imply, by definition a decline in the population.
Israel is not performing a genocide. Israel is defending themselves from people trying to destroy it.
Nazi Germany tried to kill the Jewish people, and you will note the large population decline of Jews in Europe because of the mass killing of the Jews.
The Palestinians on the other hand are attacking Israel and they get bombed in self-defense. Their goal is not destroying the Palestinians but only to destroy their ability to wage war against Israel.
In whole or part would imply a population decline.
It is not genocide to defend yourself from terrorist attacks and rocket attacks.
No, they do not rise to the basic definition. The UN has not declared it because it does not meet that standard.
You're confused about what a genocide is. Yes, birth rate is defined in the phrase. Since the destruction of the group is the end goal, if they're growing, then you are not doing a great job a genocide.
SInce Israel does not have the goal of destroying the Palestinians, it isn't genocide. It isn't by definition, no matter how much you want to pretend it is. ]
It is nothing more than self-defense from the the attack from the Palestinians. If they stopped attacking Israel, then Israel wouldn't attack them.
Sorry I have to disagree with you. I’ll leave it as that. Since the only way to destroy a population is by deceasing the numbers. I think it’s self evident you must see a population decline.
So we will leave it at that. You think self defense is genocide and I think it’s when you try to exterminate a population.
No, you just can't understand the meaning of the word. I get it. Many people have trouble understanding the meaning of words. You seem to think self defense is genocide and while I find that odd, I get if from your view of the world. You just hate jews and think they should peacefully be exterminated. That is a stance I don't agree with and will always defend Israels right to sell defense.
You provided a definition but then ignore what it states. It clearly does not show Israel committing genocide. Not even close.
I am not taking an L because you don't understand the meaning of words.
It clearly states the destruction of people. That clearly isn't happening. Israel is only defending itself from the attack by the Palestinians. Nothing more. If any one is committing genocide, it's the Palestinians against the Israelis. Hamas has clearly said they want to destroy Israel. That is genocide.