this post was submitted on 24 Jun 2023
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A good time to be a fan of Nintendo games.
I've been a Nintendo player since decades and most of my gamer memory is Nintendo-related, but I'm really not a Nintendo fan. Especially since few years.
The paying online service is crap quality and account based (for a family console, seriously…), all Switch Mario Sports games are unfinished (remembrer how good they where on GameCube/Wii?), Mario Kart DLC quality is under the rest (no, they made an effort does not make things nicer), you can't buy retro games, and now we have remasters and we should be impressed.
So yes, I follow Nintendo because I love there games, but their constant do-lesser and anti-consumer strategy of this Switch Era make me crazy.
I don't want to brings negativity on this sub, but I think we should still be critical about game company (who ever it is).
Well, Switch is my first Nintendo console, previously a Genesis kid, and then moving to PlayStation, so I don't really know much about the older games.
Personally, I do like the remasters, since it allows me to play the older games. As for the issue with Switch Mario Sports, I completely agree with you. I was very excited about these after reading all the comments of how great these games are, but after seeing the state they were released in, I didn't buy any of them.
Not to mention the timed released of Super Mario 3D All-Stars and the first Fire Emblem games. They have the games, they are ported to Switch, but to create FOMO so that people will buy them right away just didn't feel right. I chose to vote my wallet and refuse to buy them, but ofcourse I lost that vote, and it sold so much that Nintendo is happy about it.
Well, as long as there is no hate speech, or personal attacks on any one, there is nothing wrong with criticizing company's methods.
You must feel overwhelmed by all those games ! XD
And me I'm almost like : “Yeah, yeah, I'finished twice this one…”
Haha, yeah. That is why I loved this direct, though I understand the ones who have played all these games multiple times won't be too happy.
There's so much to play. I still haven't played some of the games Nintendo released in 2018 (Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Captain Toad Treasure Tracker), so you can imagine how much I have to play. 😀