this post was submitted on 27 Dec 2023
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So, I have been both working, studying, and spent leisure time in India about a year in total. I lived for 6 months outside New Delhi in the slums. Made interview among tribes and people displaced by established nature tourism. Together with my wife. Been to tourist spots as well.
Yea you are kind of like a bunch of school kids sometimes. Just a bit scarier. I only encountered the grandiose self image besides India in the US.
My wife could not be alone a second.
The fascist Hindu nationalism is awful to see , for a western fascist probably laughable.
Just to be plain: You think India is best in all the ways , for an outsider it's like a bunch of people throwing everything in a pile and letting the strongest win.
Just the amount of people trying to prove forced marriage is so much better than the possibility for divorce or just marry who you want.
Of course different rules based on caste , one of my Indian friends who is kind of famous in the movie business still have a hard time based on his last name and actually trying to do some good in India.
The ads in your papers sounds like you selling cows rather than your sisters and daughters.
Don't get me wrong there are great people , great movements and great things in India.
But overall WTF...
Today I would not return for leisure unless to visit friends there.
*Edited due to poor wordings.
Awhile ago I learned that there's a thing called casteism. I thought racism was extremely stupid, but casteism just cranks the stupidity to 11. So instead of discriminating against someone's skin tone or nationality, you're discriminating against literally nothing??? Whatever, man...
From what I heard in podcasts this is even a serious problem in the US tech scene, which hires a lot of professionals from India. Imagine being descriminated against by your manager because of caste in silicon valley.
Yea Hindu nationalism is kind of built around that. If you are poor you are poor because you deserve it. And we are rich because we deserve it etc..
Interviewed a guy from the Communist party about caste among other thing and even they have a hard time getting people out of the caste think among their own members.
It's so hard rooted you need a revolution to even scratch the surface of it.
Sure I'm no expert , just touched on the subject in my research. My focus was on the forced displacements done. Which was justified by many things caste , scheduled tribes that got "benefitted" by moved in to the desert. As I said very hard ingrained everywhere. but of course it's about money and power. Just like everywhere else religion , social and politics, tradition and so on can justify it.
Just like money is about politics.
Bad wording on my part. King of the hill politics then if you wish.
Im just not a hippie that wants to justify shitty thing since they got high in Goa once. Who's larping uh.
Sure. Sorry if beeing confrontational. Started this after a few drinks. Main research was MP tourism establishing stealing lands, Many were tribal others not. A big cohort of foreign and domestic money , corruption and violence (direct and indirect).
Not really I did some work there. I also been around in both the north and the south. So you kind of just assumed stuff. Most my work I did in madhya pradesh.
How's your reading capabilities? Try again , notice "most" "and". Read slowly. Kerala was sure better but still my wife never went anywhere alone.
Yea I travelled quite a lot , spent as much time in Kerala as I could when writing , but fieldwork included quite a lot of not so nice places. Including everything from government officials to displaced villages. In Banglore I only saw offices and traffic unfortunately since lack of time. But made some stops along the way in-between southern Kerala and banglore. Drove a bike so very interesting trip.
People like you should be stopped at borders, if India is so much scarier than your Western country where getting mugged is almost guaranteed at night, or women need to carry knives for protection against rapists. Besides, how is a bigot like you allowed on Lemmygrad?
This doesn't happen. What terrible place are you thinking, and have you actually been there?
Whos the bigot, now?
The downvotes tell me I attracted and triggered the racists. I usualy refrain from interacting with Hitler style denialists.
Well ,I have never said anything about other places (beside the US comparacy), you know since we discussed India...
Indian system is crap and this is true weather other places are crap as well.
But you just have an issue with me since you have an issue with a GOS dev. You should just block me instead of getting your heart rate up.
You know since you can't ban me here like you did before in another place.
This is why Lemmy readership is dropping, btw
Do not worry too much about my cortisol levels. I am a fitness/nutrition freak and love my green tea and eggs.
GOS has nothing to do with this discussion, and I do not think I ever banned you, unless you are one of the people who broke c/privacy rules at some point. I regularly ban many spammers and idiots, and ones people report to mods. Besides, what is your original alias? Lol. Also, I do not care.
The fact is, that while Indian society is rough and less "westernised", other countries' societies are unhealthy, extremely individualist, apathetic, have straight up inferior food cuisine to ours, lack things like Ayurveda and Yoga incorporated into our culture for thousands of years, and have mentally deranged amounts of consumerism, and instead of just street quacks, you people have legal street quacks as Big Pharma who work with the food industry to keep people diseased. Not to mention, similarly or even worse as far as safety goes in many countries, even if we exclude USA (guns). UK has limits on knifes for civilians with no locking and blade length of 4 inches, compared to Indian laws allowing upto 9 inches of blade length for civilians.
0k sure pal, move along now then, hippie.
The only hippie here is you, who thinks installing GOS on Pixel actually allows him to become 1337 hackerman lmao. Oh, also having really hot racist takes on Indian society, like calling Indians "apes trying to figure out a society".
May that's my hacker skills that does that lol. Again kindly f off you troll. Go bicker with Mickay. I assume it's hard though since you were kicked out everywhere for beeing on his level as well.
So that's why GOS mods last year attempted to fabricate lies about me in an attempt to get me demodded off of c/privacy, to hijack Lemmy, and upon failure, mass downvote all my comments using alts, abusing federation. My guess is that is also partially happening in this thread, and it does not help that you love GOS.
I do not know in which universe you live, because I successfully moderate c/privacy and c/technology here, and Lemmy users are happy.
Don't think you've ever been in a Western country if you think this is true. Go visit more places