Batteries Are Advancing According to Their Own Little-Known Moore’s Law (Wright's Law)
A place to discuss the ideas, developments, and technology that can and will shape the future of civilization.
(1) Concepts are often better treated in isolation -- eg: "what if energy became near zero cost?"
(2) Consider the law of unintended consequences -- eg: "if this happens, then these other systems fail"
(3) Pseudoscience and speculative physics are not welcome. Keep it grounded in reality.
(4) We are here to explore the parameter spaces of the future -- these includes political system changes that advances may trigger. Keep political discussions abstract and not about current affairs.
(5) No pumping of vapourware -- eg: battery tech announcements.
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I think we're already well on our way to seeing battery ultralights go commercial. www.opener.aero says they're roughly targeting "SUV" price tags.
Okay, that is very cool. I wonder if it'll ever pass beyond the novelty stage before regulations squash it. First person to die and the media cycle will be nuts!
It's different enough to have that effect if/when there's a media circus around it. But surely everyone already knows that ultralights are the "cheap submarine" of the skies.