Looks like Montreal is about to get the upset!!
I hope I'm able to get back to watch the second half of the game. Should be a good one. I gotta say I expect the Bombers to take it. I'm not sure the Als can do it twice in a row. We'll see!!! Weather sounds like it will be perfect for the game, above zero and no snow or rain.
Well, how about that? My prediction for the Argos / Als game was dead wrong. Montreal took it easily, and the Argos dream season is done.
Now, will the West see any similar surprises?
It's really looking like the Argo's dream season is about to crash and burn and come to an abrupt halt.
This is certainly a much closer and more competitive game than I had expected.
The Argos should take the East easily. I suspect the West will be a closer game. We will see!
All BC since that opening drive. Calgary's defense is just not working. Looks like that's the half. Some adjustments need to made at halftime if they want to have a hope in this one.
Not too much since then, though.
Als won that quite handily. The shenanigans at the end were quite something.
Well how about that? Als win after two big playoff upsets. Good for them!