this post was submitted on 02 Jul 2023
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My favorite invention is the 2 fan 1 stick hover bike as it is almost game breaking and only costs 9 zonite.
Put a large lightbloom seed on the front and it’s perfect for tooling around the basement too.
I also added a dragon spike to the bottom of the control stick. Took some work to get it on there just right, and you need to add it last. Dragon parts and anything they are attached to despawn at much greater distances than anything else. We're talking being able to travel a loooong way before they break or vanish. Plus, they glow, so they make your bike much easier to see from a distance. Lastly you can photo them and use the sensor to find them. So you can park your bike, explore to your heart's content, and then always find it. It won't survive dying or fast traveling, but otherwise it's a great way to make your glider last as long as possible.
Well that’s proof that the real tip is deep in the comments. This is a brilliant idea and is being added next time I boot TOTK up.
I'd heard about the dragon part despawn distance a few times but utilizing the sensor+ to locate your ride is extra nice
Wow, didn't know that about Dragon spike, going to use that, thanks!
And a great how-to on building one
That was great! I just followed these instructions.
Wow, this wasn't how I was envisioning the bike. Thanks for the video!
It do be pretty op, makes traversal almost too easy. Putting the fans on the sides instead (what I like calling the green bokoblin glider) covers distance faster but is harder to maneuver. I disassemble and reassemble often to switch between the bike and glider configuration depending on my needs at any given time
I’ve never tried the side by side configuration but faster traverse sounds super useful for sky islands. Especially since switching between them would be simple. I think I’ll add it to my favorites.
What stick do I have to use for that?
I believe they're talking about a control stick. At least that's what I'm familiar with.
Yup, should have been more clear!
If you attach a dragon scale then it won't get despawn even when far away. (A tip from a video) If you want to go in shrine just take the scale off before enter.
It’s hard not to play the entire game using it. I try to stick to only using it for the korock transport missions and going between sky islands, so I can still get plenty of exploration done.
I also added a dragon spike to the bottom of the control stick. Took some work to get it on there just right, and you need to add it last. Dragon parts and anything they are attached to despawn at much greater distances than anything else. We're talking being able to travel a loooong way before they break or vanish. Plus, they glow, so they make your bike much easier to see from a distance. Lastly you can photo them and use the sensor to find them. So you can park your bike, explore to your heart's content, and then always find it. It won't survive dying or fast traveling, but otherwise it's a great way to make your glider last as long as possible.
Good ol "hover bike", as most call it. It's ludicrously useful, in large part frankly because the game nerfed most forms of flying, with balloons, wings, and those floating blocks around sky islands always disappearing after a minute or two (which bizarrely sometimes doesn't seem long enough to reach some of the furthest away sky islands -- particularly where King Gleeoks are).
Only downsides are that the hover bike will constantly rise with no means to descend and I was never able to make one that didn't drift in one direction (requiring constant correction). I assume my fans were just ever so slightly off center or not placed on a flat enough surface or something, but I never could get it to work better).
Oh, yeah, you need to get off it and get on again, that'll lose you a fair bit of height
You'll learn the proper timing after a bit
How do you ensure the “alignment” is perfect with the hover bike?
Whenever I make this one I’m the bike drifts to one side, even if I think I put the fans on straight.
How do you ensure the “alignment” is perfect with the hover bike?
Whenever I make this one I’m the bike drifts to one side, even if I think I put the fans on straight.
It is great, but I had a bit of a tough time getting the balance right. Followed one of the videos and took me many tries.