West Virginia’s last Hooters is being torn down. Locals are planning a candlelit vigil – complete with wings
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Most of their food including the wings were just cheap generic garbage.
The chain was built on "sex sells" not food.
I would say that the Sheetz gas station that's going to replace this Hooters would be a step up food quality wise.
I never said dont have attractive waitresses in tight clothes who are really flirty, just maybe dont have the whole theme of the restaraunt be "Tits"
Theres tons of really average chain restaraunts doing fine with really average food.
I mean besides the outfits isn’t that every sports bar. Young good looking women serving in low cut tops.
Yeah, but a lot of chain restaurants from the time have also done poorly as well. It seems more like that era of restaurant was never capable of serving good food and couldn't compete in the modern marketplace.
Adapt or die. It's happened with Mexican chains also. ChiChis, Don Pablo, all gone.
Maybe the chain was built on that, but my local Hooters was amazing when I was in highschool. My friends and I would go there exclusively for the 12-15 dollar all you can eat wings on Wednesdays. They were amazing.
I liked the wings. And the sauces. And they had a good fish sandwich. Decent Cobb salad too. there was nothing sexy about the women at the location I went to. The quality did take a turn around 2010 though.