Hey. Right wing here. People drive right, legally, and don’t hurt anyone.
I’m not right. But that’s the level of discourse. Got them civil rights?
Hey. Right wing here. People drive right, legally, and don’t hurt anyone.
I’m not right. But that’s the level of discourse. Got them civil rights?
Yo man, please use terms that we can understand or explain your terms
I don’t understand everything that you said, but as a devils advocate. Social Security is not supposed to be tax. It’s supposed to be an insurance program.
Curious what the downvotes mean. It’s really complicated. Lines get crossed. Where am I wrong? Too us centric?
Greater evil? One is being evil and the other is overly pragmatic.
Free extra pickles tho
So… you’re not gonna eat it then?
Feds don’t normally print money. That would be the treasury and they don’t get to choose how much. The feds usually adjust interest rates by buying and selling treasury bonds that they don’t pay for, or I should say pay for with accounts they can adjust their balances as needed, including destroying “money”, to achieve the desired interest rate and slow or speed the economy. A point of interest is that the fed is not a part of the government and isn’t supposed to be influenced by it. I know it’s a lot easier to just say they or the government just print money but there is a lot of nuance. Anyway, that’s not really what the discussion is so have a great day!
Yeah, my dad was on a bivad 25 years ago for almost a year. Back then it was the size of a washing machine. By the end of his hospital stay they introduced the satchel kind with batteries.
Social security isn't a tax. It’s an insurance program and structured as such. We have to decide if there should be more national insurance programs. I’d be down.
I just started talking. Sorry you’re probably right.