Mexico waiting on US proof that GM corn safe for its people, deputy ag minister says
We're focused on cooking and the science behind how it changes our food. Some chemistry, a little biology, whatever it takes to explore a critical aspect of everyday life.
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How close are we to monkeys, apes, etc.? Can you see the future and how is the climate going? We don't know if taking away one thing will affect another down the road. Will every gene edit cause harm? Probably not, but we don't know which ones or how many. Have a great life selling cigarettes.
I don't think science deniers with a complete lack of understanding of genetics should try to berate anyone on climate change, thank you. Like, you're literally arguing like a covid denier too as to why people shouldn't wear masks. If you're so worried about the repercussions of "taking away one thing", then why does that same logic not apply to "taking away many random things"? And no, cigarettes are harmful, you're the one who'd argue that we don't know this for sure. lol
I'm not a science denier, nice buzzword though. Science isn't a thing btw, it's a process. The process of science hasn't worked out how us fucking with nature will turn out.
The clown suits you.
It's your badge, but I'm not surprised you didn't got that either.