this post was submitted on 10 Mar 2024
40 points (97.6% liked)


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A safe haven where 3DS piracy discussion is allowed.

  1. Read the FAQ before asking a question, especially if you're new to the sub.

  2. No Non-piracy related posts. You can ask non-piracy related questions in the FAQ megathread.

  3. Requests or links for files of any kind go in the Requests Megathread sticky post. Any comments or posts asking or posting files will be deleted.

  4. No lazy titles, posts must have your problem or purpose in the title.

founded 2 years ago

No eShop? No problem! We've had a bit of luck with used games not at "collectable" prices, but we've discovered hShop and CFW.

Still have a R4 card as well, and it's great that he is able to experience some classic games on the original hardware.

With all the news around Yuzu (and Citra) recently, it just reminds me about the importance of "Piracy" in game preservation.

Thanks to this community for existing, and the extensive FAQs!

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[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

Think of it kind of like Doom if that makes sense.

Well, that way makes it more interesting for me!