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Great idea. In Nazi Germany they used the term "protective custody" to put you in a concentration camp. They wouldn't say that your speech was wrong and prove that it was wrong.... NO.... Any speech that contradicted the policies of the Nazi regime was a crime.
And now Germany jails those who publicly throw a Nazi salute, or say Heil Hitler, or promote any other neo-Nazi BS. Are you saying that's wrong? Because that's a hell of a lot closer to what this is than concentration camps.
And if you do think it's wrong... Yikes.
Oddly those rules came from the allies.
Is it wrong? Hard to say because I’m American and those laws wouldn’t fly here but germany isn’t America.
Funny how all Nazi things are banned, WHICH THEY SHOULD, but in Germany like here now.... you can also be arrested for dare speaking out against the government. Not much different than the protective custody days