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Due to NXT having several major sponsors on things today, I kept track of Mania as best I could... it's a new day, yes it is, in terms of advertisements.
Becky vs Rhea
Dude Wipes - Ring Post
Prime Energy - Turnbuckle
Prime Energy - Ring Mat center
Replay - Snickers
Official Energy Drink of WWE - C4
Sneak Peak - Something on Netflix hyped up a bit by announce team before trailer.
Six Pack Ladder Match for WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championship (Each set is up for grabs according to the rules the announce team read. So splits?)
Steady Cam brought to you by Xfinity
Wheatley Vodka - Apron, Posts, and Walls
Prime Energy remains on turbuckles and mat for remainder of show.
SmackDown tag team champions are now A Town Down Under... match continues...
Awesome Truth win the RAW Titles. The titles are officially split apart.
Replay presented by Wheatley Vodka
Sky Cam is presented as Sky C4M for the C4 Energy Drink.
Minimute Maid Aguas Frescas Presenting, plus WWE 2k24 & Snickers logos in each corner for announcer hype and graphic about upcoming LWO vs. LDF with Dom.
Announcers announce the Match is presented by Minutemaid Aguas Frescas refreshing AF. They are also sponsoring the match apron, mat, posts.
Snickers Replay
Uso vs. Uso
Dude Wipes sponsoring the Usos match, walls, apron, posts.
Wheatley Vodka sponsors Cody Rhodes' bus and WrestleMania!
Six Women's Tag (Jade, Bianca, Naomi vs. Damage Ctrl) Match will be presented by WingStop! Snickers logo in corner of graphic.
3 on 3 Women's Match
Wingstop Apron, Wall, Posts.
Gunther - Sami Zayn
Prime Hydration Station at Ringside, announce team pimping the energy drink.
Dude Wipes on the ring post.
Telestrator brought to you by Xfinity recapping Eagles players interference helping Rey.
Run down of tomorrow's card... Slim Jim presents LA Knight AJ Styles... Gin & Juice something I couldn't read presents Bobby Lashley's group vs Testament. Snickers/WWE2k24 on all the others but it doesn't say specifically presented by.
Rollins Cody - Rock Reigns
American Home shield pimped by announce team as Rollins enters.
American Home Shield logo apron, mat, post.
Prime Hydration station used by Rollins, announcers say he needed a little prime.
WWE 2k24/Snickers replay of superman punch
American Home Shield logo appears in corner of screen for a few seconds after match has been going on about 20-30 minutes or so. I also just realized these ads were on the arena banners too.
Replay of Rock winning presented by American Home Shield.
That closes out the ads of Mania. It truly is a new era in advertising for WWE as TKO gets into the full swing of things.
Oof, christ. Really goes to show how little I've come to notice them over the years, I think I'm just autoblurring em in my mind but that's a big list..
The steady cam was Verizon not xfinity.
Seeing it listed out like this, I feel less weird for feeling a bit overwhelmed by ads while watching. Itβs probably the most ads Iβve seen watching something in a long time. I was happy to see the mat ad wasnβt distracting though.
Yeah I'm thankful the ring ad is just the outline really and not some big coloured in logo with a text tagline under it, it could be much worse even if I don't like it.
The really bad ones to me were when the ads were white, like Minute Maid and American Home Shield really stood out and were somewhat distracting to me.