My opinion is that sex work should be legal. It would enable involuntary virgins to get a good sex experience for payment; they will be guaranteed a good sex experience with a sex worker: no harassment, good education, and a fun time.
Sex work gets shamed by ~~people~~ puritans because of payment for sex and it's "sinful"; yet these same ~~persons~~ puritans get and have sex for free out of "passion" or marriage; they also discriminate against minorities in sec.
EDIT: Apparently there is an implied difference between sex work and prostitution. I mean sex work.
EDIT 2: I messed up the writing of my post. My real opinion is located in this comment:
Oof. I didn't realize there was way more exploitation than just sex traffickers. It totally makes sense though; sex trades are a product of capitalist exploitation and the existence of private property. (Naturally under communism, the prevalence of sex trades would be heavily reduced.)
It seems like I couldn't communicate my ideas properly beforehand. I don't want people in the sex trade to be criminalized; I want pimps and johns to be criminalized.
Only a few hours ago: I wanted to support a sex trade industry that didn't involve rapes or rely on economic coercion. I just wanted disabled people, who keep getting discriminated out of sex,^[Sexual Ableism]^[Dating With Disability: How to Rise Above Sexual Ableism]^[Dating with Disability: Choose Your Dreams Over Sexual Ableism] to be able to feel better about their lives; a lack of sex can cause mental health issues in some people (even though this shouldn't happen). (However, having sex probably won't fix the issue, it will just hide the problems until later). Now I feel like shit...
I think sex is different than roofing a house
Do you want to explain what in particular is different in a way that detracts from their point? There are a bunch of possible reasons and it's not clear which you're implying.
I found this in my notifs but I literally cannot find the context sorry
Comparing sex work to any other form of work is a common error in thinking and indicates a lack of understanding for "the victim's" point of view.
Sex work is just not the same, so it has to be treated special since it concerns a human's (mainly woman's) physical integrity & their most intimate parts. I can't imagine that one can separate the body from the mind so clearly here, making the workers more vulnerable than in any other field of work. It's all they have & they're selling it. Please be more sensitive in that regard and show some respect for people's private spheres.