this post was submitted on 07 May 2024
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Makes you wonder what they took over before the Unas.
Unas were the first hosts. Thus their name - Unas/First. The Unas and Goa’uld evolved on the same home planet.
Just like the Trill!
No one told me about this and now I'm not sure how to feel![](
The show never explained whether or not Goa'uld could infest an Asguard either.
Taking into consideration all the details I'm remembering right now, probably no.
The DRM is probably what caused them to die out. The original company that created it knew it would happen, but they needed to keep their cash flow going.
At least someone agrees with you. It's not show cannon, but the tabletop RPG (which I'm personally fine accepting from the bits I've seen) talks about Ra taking the Asgard Famrir as a host and how it screwed both of them up.