the modern sam and max games are a fucking delight and i will die on that hill
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I didn't know the original existed. I didn't know a remake was in the works. I absolutely love hit the road. Super hyped now!
Telltale made Sam & Max games from 2006-2010. They released Sam & Max as episodic adventures with a total of 16 episodes over 3 seasons. The Devil's Playhouse is Season 3. All of Telltale's Sam & Max games are pretty good and I would recommend them to you if you liked hit the road. They are classic point and click adventure games, predating Telltale's house style they would settle on with The Walking Dead and beyond.
Thanks! I played the first season when it released. I have to pick up the remakes then!
After Hit the Road, there were:
- Sam & Max: Save the World
- Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space
- Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
Save the World Remastered and Beyond Time and Space Remastered were released couple of years ago, and are available on Switch. The Devil's Playhouse is the last one. There is no info if they are making any new game after that or not.
I only knew that first one as season one. Haven't played the other seasons. This is great!
I never finished the Steam version so looking forward to playing the remaster. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played Hit the Road over the years…
With this and that random VR game that came out recently, I have hopes that we will see the Freelance Police return yet again in something new.