- hand-coverings. Cool, not game-making, but very nice! Also shows sleeves from coats.
- First-person carcass harvesting animations with tools shown. I like it.
- Wolf struggles show your equipped weapon.
(swiped from reddit's /r/thelongdark for now)
The Long Dark is a first-person survival video game developed and published by Hinterland Studio. The player assumes the role of a plane crash survivor who must survive the frigid Canadian wilderness after a global disaster disables all electronics. Welcome to our community!
Banner alt-text: Stone Church in Desolation Point, during an aurora. The moon hovers large, low in the sky. A fire crackles under the ruined wall of the church. The displayed health bar is distressingly low.
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Poisoned wolf carcasses don't give meat. O_O
If only switch could get it 😔
Argh. Found the respirator and a filter, but the respirator was fully ruined and unusable. :/
edit: "ruined" can still be equipped via the radial under the medical tab.
edit: Filters get consumed fast
Tip: When exploring the mine, go to starvation rations (750cal/day), and just drop most of your clothes somewhere you'll remember. It's huge and there's a lot of coal. There's one part where you want a hatchet to break through some boards. I haven't figured out what's past that, probably just extra loot.
You can run through most poison clouds so save your mask for when you're down to like 10 seconds breath. Be warned the BREATH COUNTER DOES NOT RESET and when you take off your mask that is how much time you'll have left.
Insulated flask: 5 different types.
They seem all functionally identical for weight/capacity.
Found an insulated flask by the Machine in the office by the belt.
I don't know when this was added, but there's a workbench in Forsaken Airfield on the northern island. Very nice. I have been settled in the cave on the southern edge of that island, and not having to travel all the way to the airfield to do crafting makes that house, or the cave, a more viable base. Not that the occasional day trip to craft and resupply arrows is that bad.
FA continues to be my favourite region for medium-term survival. The lack of beachcombing means you can't last forever (you'll run out of birch eventually, but you can lay in enough bear and moose meat by that point to buy you thousands of days, I'm sure) but the hunting is really easy and the wolves are straightforward to deal with, the forge is really convenient, and the new ZoC connector cave only improves the coal supply.
Travois: 75kg capacity, slows you down more as it gets loaded up, can be collapsed to bring up ropes, can't do steep slopes. Deerhides, saplings, and "other stuff". Can't run. So, no surprises there.
1 deerhide, 2 guts, 4 maple saplings.
Scurvy: certain foods have vitamin C. THere’s a “C” icon on foods that indicates major/minor amounts of C. The Thomson Stew is shown with “Major”. Long-term effects are "tough to deal with", the flavour text says "you will continue to weaken and lose condition until you succumb and die". Raph says it'll mostly effect long-term players and is enabled in voyager/stalker/interloper. Not currently disablable in custom games.
So it may be a motivation to actually fish or at least beachcomb. A fish once in a while may be enough to get by sustainably.