I have noticed that most users profiles do not load for me any longer.
Meta (lemm.ee)
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same here.
apparently the new update has some performance issues, and they’re working on it. they’re already on 0.19.1-rc1
Probably was too soon to upgrade then, compared to Lemmy.world, which is still on 0.18, it’s day and night.
How can you tell what version an instance is on?
It’s at the bottom of the webpage assuming you’re using the default UI
Yes, and apart from the other stuff, the logged in subscribed feed takes very long to load for me (in Jerboa and Thunder)
Is your profile not loading in Thunder as well? I'm on the IOS version and it doesn't load for me.
Thunder on android, here. I can't load my profile, either. Sometimes the subscription list in the sidebar doesn't show up, too
I'm getting gateway time-out errors.
Also, one thing that makes performance very bad is if you have a lot of subscribed communities is "Subscibed" box in front page and profile page, because it needs to get images for all of those.
Yep, Lemmy has been basically non-functional for me since the upgrade.
Really sucks.
I’ve noticed this while working on my client. lemm.ee is the slowest instance out of the 3 or 4 v0.19.x instances I regularly test, specifically with login and loading user profiles. This might be something unique to lemm.ee
Connect loads way slower and sometimes not at all.
Web is slightly slower.
I'm on connect too, same experience
I have been experiencing this as well. On Jerboa, about 50% of all queries to retrieve posts take over 7 seconds, and time out.
On Android, you can use the Voyager app, the only app I have found that works well after the 0.19 upgrade. As far as my linux 'liftoff' app or any other, no longer works. The webpage is also really slow.
I‘m already using voyager. I’m pretty sure it’s not the app that’s slow, but the Lemmy server. Doesn’t matter which app you’re using.
Can you clarify if you're still experiencing issues after our last maintenance? As far as I can tell, everything is running smoothly now.
It seems much better now, thank you :) Is it still on 0.19 or did it get reverted back to 0.18?
We are on 0.19.1 right now!