Did you enable home assistant discovery since you were doing a manual installation?
# Optional: Home Assistant integration (MQTT discovery) (default: false)
homeassistant: true
Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. Available for free at
Did you enable home assistant discovery since you were doing a manual installation?
# Optional: Home Assistant integration (MQTT discovery) (default: false)
homeassistant: true
I have thanks. I have tried just doing the basic setting of ‘true’ and the more advanced options with no joy.
Odd I have done the full setup several times As I run pure dockers / separate HA, Mosquito MQTT and Zigbee2mqtt and the devices all just auto discover and appear in HA has devices with entities with full control.
I haven't had the problem and am really new to HA, but it sounds like the switches weren't added properly. Perhaps try a reset?
Fairly sure this is a regression in the current release, i just ran into the same thing after upgrading to 1.34 and went back to 1.31.1
Downgrading to 1.31.1 fixed it. Thanks a lot.
Ok, thanks. I’ll have a look at switching to an older version.
How is your zigbee2mqtt running? Via HA or standalone?
You can click elements from NodeRed, so it means the HA connection to node-red is broken it sounds.