You guys remember learning about the dust bowl in school? A pivotal moment was when the dust finally got bad enough that it blew all the way into Washington DC. This was followed by government intervention and real change.
Uncontrolled illegal immigration is an issue. Biden is doing nothing about it. And this is a problem for southern states. I see absolutely nothing wrong with taking a fraction of these immigrants and dropping them on the doorstep of the states that say there is no immigration issue.
The reality is, if this truly is not an issue, they should encourage it! Give us your hungry, your sick, and your poor, right?
And if having a literal fraction of these immigrants dropped in your city is an issue, could you imagine being a border state and having these people flooding in? Maybe, just maybe, we should do something about it.
Pursuing a lawsuit against the bus companies tells me they think this is an issue. Maybe their energy is better invested in pressing Biden to step in and address the immigration issue. Instead, they just want this to be an unaddressed problem for the southern states and not the entire country. The equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and closing your eyes.
Imagine if Washington DC had criticized the mid west for allowing their dust to blow east, and tried to build fans that blow the wind back west. Would be pretty pathetic, right?