You can clearly see the strap end on the trunk lid. They are about to put it on the roof. Still, poor car.
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Are you sure that isn't being used to keep the trunk closed?
No. No I am not. Poor car.
Looks like a box spring, those don’t weigh much, car will be fine.
Then why is the door open with the box spring shoved into it?
They might have just not wanted to place it fully on the ground...
We didn't say they knew what they were doing.
Maybe it's a rescue car, and it's happy not to be in car fights anymore?
but it should work because everything goes into the square hole
I understood this reference.
I was the electronics guy at walmart and did a lot of helping people get TV's and shit into their cars. Id run into people who's care was obviously too small often but one time in particular really sticks out to me. This woman bought a 75 inch. We get outside and THIS BITCH WAS IN A SMART CAR! THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE BACK SEATS! THE BOX WAS ALMOST LONGER THEN THE CAR!
lol what the fuck did she think she was going to do with it?! Not like you can just fold the thing up.
I've definitely seen a group of 3 guys holding a big flat screen to the roof of a car. Which wouldn't have been super remarkable if they hadn't passed me going 80 on the freeway.
I would truly fear for the structural integrity of a smart car if you put something as large as a 75-in TV on top of it.
Why? A 65" OLED TV is just 55 pounds, 75" isn't much heavier. The roof can obviously take it as it's made to hold even if the entire car flips over.
it was a joke yo lol
You never know on the internet, Poe's law. Use a /s :)
Nah. That tag is just stupid.
But those TVs aren't that heavy. And I'm sure the smart car has to pass some load bearing tests to be deemed road safe (e.g. it should protect the driver should it end up upside down somehow.)
She was probably thinking of attaching it to the roof.
I had this happen with a TV once. My brother had thought he could put the seat down, but for whatever reason, couldn't figure out one of the two back seats.
That's another one! So many times I went to put down a customer backseat so that we could slide it through from the trunk and they looked at me like I just performed some dark fucking ritual. Had been driving the car for years and had no fucking clue it could do that.
I wish I could see picture of it
Then again you have this gem...
I haven't opened the link, but I know what it is.
This reminds me of the time I saw some folks fill up about 30 ish helium balloons in a store then walk out to their small car. I couldn’t help but laugh as they went from smiling to panicking when they realized they had no way to fit them inside. It was hilarious. I still wonder what they ended up doing to get the balloons home lol.
EZ, just hold the helium in your lungs until you get home, and then refill them.
There were some very pitched discussions about buying a bigger car on the way home. High pitched to be precise.
Is this why they call them flat bed trucks? So people know they're compatible with mattresses?
All brick house with enough land around that no neighbors or other houses are visible, using a Lexus - these folks have been detached from physical labor for a long time.
I see parking lot lines- this is an apartment building, not a fancy house
A friend of mine and me did this actually once and it fitted in. It just took us 5 minutes of wrestling the matress.
That ain’t a mattress, it’s a box spring. It isn’t going to compress.
Does not fit in the square hole.
The parts didn't fit.