What distro are you using, what is the rest of the system's spec.
CPU isn't enough to tell us anything.
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
What distro are you using, what is the rest of the system's spec.
CPU isn't enough to tell us anything.
Gonna need to know a lot more than what CPU you have to answer your question. Laptop brand/model, for starters.
Which laptop did you get?
Next time you run into stability issues, you should check in journalctl -e
and see what error messages pop up. It is hard to help you without additional info.
Here is an example of someone showing an issue like this, where to look, and how it was dealt with.
This whole thing can be overwhelming to people new to Linux and especially those without a very deep interest in the topic.
The basics, most users don't really know about all the layers and complexity involved in an operating system. That is okay for the most part. Your issue is likely related to the kernel itself. When you are on edge hardware, you likely need to be on a very recent kernel for proper support. That is what is mentioned in the linked issue. No one expects you to be at the same level as these people or to report issues like this in the kernel. This is just a concise example with things to check if you know the gist of the example. Feel free to ask questions about whatever. I am no expert here. Others may be able to answer. I'll try to help any way I can.
Yeah I was in fairly early for the 6900XT and there was definitely a bit of customizing needed to get things working (newer kernel for starts) and then even more to get it relatively stable (finding the firmwares, tweaking, etc). Over time it became easier as the support became part of the packaged kernel but being an earlier adopter has its trials