The Onion
The Onion
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
- The Onion
- Clickhole
- McSweeney's
- Reductress
- The Chaser
- The Hard Times
- The Needling
- Tattletale Times
- The Beaverton
I love how you can easily assume he's French
It's the accent
hon hon hon
Those smug cooks, making a few dollars above minimum wage.
I love QR Code menus, especially when you can order through them.
But I hate when restaurants force them on you. Just give me the fucking choice so that everyone can order in the way they prefer.
Yeah but they can't data track you through a paper menu, and a company choosing to lose revenue?? impossible
most of them only link to a PDF containing the menu anyways, they can't track you there either
This, but unironically
The boomers are right about this one
I prefer the menu on my phone. I can't be the only one
While I think your opinion is vile, detestable, loathsome, abominable, and evil, I don't understand why you're being down voted.
Thank you for sharing your abhorrent, outrageous, and revolting opinion as it does contribute something meaningful to the discussion.
Did anyone check what that qr code in the image points to?
Doesn't seem to be valid.
Missed opportunity 😑
Should have been a link to their own website to the page where this picture was uploaded.
That would be so meta.
Scan QR code
Hello would you like to let cookies into your life?
Time to navigate the decline cookies menu
Tap menu button/item
Goto 2
Forgot ads
Ben garrison is being called out
I don't know, man, I always hate political cartoons that feel the need to label everything. Like, is that necessary?
It's not necessary. That is why this cartoon has them.
This artist makes cartoons that are parodies of over-labelled political cartoons. He satirizes by imitating his target's crappy form.
In that case, well done.
also if youre reading this and if you're not familiar with his work - the statue of liberty crying is in practically every cartoon as well.
It’s satire of political cartoons/right wing views.
Ah yes, the old "insult everyone involved" gag.
Wow, the onion is on point these days. I don't know how they can produce satire in today's America.
Just been in a restaurant in France that thought a tablet would be a good idea for a menu. Fucking dimwits hadn't switched off the screen sleep though, and you had to tap it to wake it every thirty seconds
Plus it was an iPad, which only pensioners use, it was fucking awful
At whom is this aimed at?
I like the way you managed to use the correct "whom" to sound posh then completely fucked it up with the "at" on the end :)
The Kelly cartoons are done by a progressive pretending to be a conservative. The Onion often gets hate letters from progressives who think it's genuinely conservative, and more glowing letters from conservatives who think the same.
Taking into account that this is the Onion, it's probably aimed at at everyone like the good ol' days.
God I hate the way this dude draws joints on people, elbows and shoulders are jutting out way too much and the people look like weird bony aliens wearing human skins that don’t fit right
Those are crucial features of political cartoons
I love people’s absolute moral outrage about scanning a QR code. The same folks crying bc they have to ask for a plastic straws or wear a smal piece of cloth on their face in the grocery store.
It’s a genuine security risk.
Menus aren’t killing the environment either.
Yeah, I get wanting to not reprint menus every time something changes, but there are ways to do that which are more convenient and accessible than "scan a QR code to go to a random website and pray you have working internet access and also the site is working and up to date." Y'know, like a damn menu board on the wall. Whiteboard/chalkboard even!
It is a privacy/security issue, not moral. A QR eatery will probably not accept cash either.
I dislike qr menus mostly cuz their websites suck and I often don't carry a phone.
Edit: Let me just add that as a coder my dream is to one day be hired for a really expensive and complex project and to give them a solution that only uses paper.
Paper menus are just full color e ink large foldable ipads that don't weight a thing and are cheap, and have a super accessible interface.