
joined 2 years ago
[–] NataliePortland 1 points 20 hours ago

Cool project! I’ve made a jig to do this that’s so much simpler. It’s the same thing as a circular saw jig. I just clamp it onto where I want a dado

[–] NataliePortland 2 points 5 days ago

That was so rad. I love the fleshy pad on the chest and the weird mouth placenta balloon

[–] NataliePortland 1 points 1 week ago
[–] NataliePortland 2 points 1 week ago

Looks great! Thanks for sharing

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by NataliePortland to c/[email protected]

Should I move my checking/ savings from my credit union? Should I move my investments from Schwab? Should I move to different institutions or what can I do to protect ?

[–] NataliePortland 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Oh I’m so glad to hear that! Thank you for updating me. Post the project so we can see?

[–] NataliePortland 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Got to hang out in Guadalajara Mexico it was fun and delicious

[–] NataliePortland 4 points 3 weeks ago

lol thanks bro

[–] NataliePortland 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Haha that’s very nice I’m glad you were there to share the experience with me. Yes I absolutely would make it again I loved making it.

And then I could use this mirror to create a new stencil which was the hardest part of it

[–] NataliePortland 7 points 3 weeks ago

Thank you!

Ya I don’t love that either but I felt it was necessary for structure.

I’m super proud of it!

[–] NataliePortland 6 points 3 weeks ago

Awesome! That’s just the look I wanted. I love that style of art and I wanted something like that

[–] NataliePortland 19 points 3 weeks ago

You nailed it! I started with a stencil I made from hardboard using a jigsaw. Then router And the tight corners with chisel

[–] NataliePortland 8 points 4 weeks ago

Pink Muhli grass? 🎶 I’m gonna keep on dancing at the pink muhli grass


The inspiration is from the Elven art in LOTR and Rings of Power


It’s going so much better this time! I made a stencil out of hardboard using a jigsaw and scroll saw. Then I routered it into oak. Now I’m using a chisel to carve out the pieces my router couldn’t reach, and to make rounded parts pointy. I have completed this bottom corner. Carving is my favorite thing about woodworking. I like to listen to podcasts and just be in my own little zone.


This mirror frame was inspired by an archway in Rings of Power. I’ve always loved the Elven art and design in LOTR. I made a stencil with my scroll saw out of hardboard. But I have the wrong scroll saw blades and I’m impatient so it came out a bit rough and uneven with my hand- drawn design. I had some old oak and some new stock that I glued up together and the difference shows. I glued the stencil to the oak but as I began to router it out, the glue gave out and my router slipped, tearing into the piece. I also routered too deeply I think. Then I broke a piece off. Just one mistake after another really.

But that’s how it goes sometimes. So I’m starting over completely and this time I can learn from each mistake I made. The only thing I’m stuck on is that the hardboard (“chalkboard”) didn’t stick well enough with wood glue or CA glue… so idk what to try next. Maybe 1/4” plywood with carpet tape?


I planted a few here last year and I guess they like this spot


And I have no one to share it with!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by NataliePortland to c/[email protected]

Like fossil fuels come from organic matter that grew because of the sun. Is there any form of energy on that cannot be traced back to the sun in some way?


The potting bench has a hole so that soil can be brushed into the bucket below. I was able to salvage some of the older boards from the old pile of junk that stood there before, which are in the roof. Speaking of the roof, see how some of it is clear? I’m going to build a cold frame into that part of the roof for hardening off plants! I’m having a hard time deciding how to do that but though.

The wife wants gravel on the ground but I’m not so sure. I think that the gravel will just end up filling with dirt and debris and weeds. I think I might prefer to just leave it bare earth. What do you think?


His first swindle was trading blankets to the Cherokee nation


With their 'Tale of the Cedar Planter Box.' This beautiful planter is now the new icon for our community and they are credited on our sidebar! Question for the winner: what would you choose for our next theme if we do another contest in the fall or winter?


The variety is Homemade Pickles by Territorial Seed Co

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