Fall 2024, so you don't have to read the article
PC Gaming
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The clickbait squasher to the rescue - my hero.
"Fallout New Vegas dev"
Ah you mean Obsidian, the company who no longer has a single developer who worked on New Vegas. After Outer Worlds, consider me skeptical on any first person RPGs they come out with.
Is there a word for this? When a company's original talent is all gone and replaced (usually with less competent or organized people)?
A company of Theseus
If they continue to tout their previous success as the only selling point and have really shitty monetization schemes, we call them Turtle Rockers.
Ooh, it shares a setting with Pillars of Eternity.
I was not aware of that.
Consider me intrigued.
Really pumped for this one. The combat looks a little stiff but still looks fun. Absolutely love Obsidian's world building and writing.