Holy shit, I hate religion as much as the next guy but the one time a church is actually doing something good they get strapped with this bullshit.
It's more than one time. A good number of churches actually run soup kitchens, donate to those in need, and are inclusive to all. I'm not religious, I just feel like these kinds of churches aren't as well represented in media. That being said, just like people, churches can be as charitable as they are intolerant.
Even so, a lot of those "good" churches will still promote the mentality that Republicans are on their side.
A good number of churches actually run soup kitchens, donate to those in need, and are inclusive to all
I haven't seen many churches actually doing these things. Most churches are NOT inclusive to all and only a small portion of them run soup kitchens.
I helped my grandma run an area soup kitchen for a few days as a kid. Just like homeless shelters most people don't notice them because they don't need that service. Shit I had no idea we did that before I actually helped out
Thanks for helping out
”So, my concern would be, ‘Hey, let’s make sure we’re representing Christ well in all of this.’ We’re a church, you know. This is what we do,” Avell said.
Republican Jesus has taken over the US Supreme Court, while following the teachings of the actual Jesus gets you charged with a crime.
Every day the corrupt stray further from the light of God. It’s not even a religious concept. Just be a good person. That’s all Jesus ever asked, and it’s the same thing an ethics professor will tell you. Just choose to be good.
Why is it so hard? And why do so many evil people, especially fallen religious people, obsess about punishing people who choose to be good and loving in their little corners of the world? Why is that even your business?
That's not all Jesus ever asked. Jesus asked for morality and kindness comes with that.
Red states seem to just hate people
Most governments don't like the idea of not being seen as the highest power.
A court filing states the building is zoned as Central Business, and people are not allowed to eat, wash clothes or sleep on the property.
Always bureaucracy.
Soooooo communion is illegal too then?
'Love thy neighbour' doesn't apply to the homeless, I guess. Except that it does, especially.
They can't be your neighbour, if they don't have a house.
In this moment, this man is sort of living the platonic ideal of Christianity.
Christians are supposed to be willing to suffer to do the right thing, and explicitly one of those things they're supposed to be willing to suffer to do is help people. Care for sick, the poor, and the lost regardless of how the law feels about it.
The law commands he turn a blind eye to the suffering of his fellow human, but justice does not come from the law and their Bible has clear instruction on this.
Galatians 2:19
For through the law I died to the law, that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ; yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me.
I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing
It always amazes me that so many self-professed Christians have almost as much disrespect for their religion as I do.
My disrespect for Christianity is not based on a disdain for Christianity, it is based solely on my disdain for Christians.
Not the Christians who mind their own business.
Not the Christians who actually display a sense of morals and ethics.
But the preachy hypocrites. Fuck them. Sideways. With a section of rebar.
My town has to have a whole town hall over churches making warning stations. It ended differently but half the town has to tell the council to fuck off with punishing people for trying to keep people from freezing to death.
We are gonna be the next Sodom and Gomorrah
Burnt to the ground along with 3 other cities on the same river because of a meteor shower starting huge wild fires?
If it's burning and rivers Ohio has you covered.
Good on this guy, his heart is in the right place. It sounds like if the shelter had their shit together he wouldn't have to break their zoning law.
Imo the true core of christianity is doing what is right to help people, even when the government can't or won't, and that's something I can get behind.