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The original was posted on /r/hometheater by /u/ThyResurrected on 2024-01-21 05:33:35+00:00.
Welcome Homethreater people!
I am venturing in to a projector. I just painted my entire television room black.
Projector screen (120” fixed) is on the way and picking up the Epson 3800 tomorrow.
My question, I use a sound bar. A fairly high end on currently, I don’t want replace it (yet) as I’ll probably be selling my house in the next year.
The JBL soundbar I do have, only had 1 hdmi in and 1 hdmi out.
Wasn’t an issue before as everything ran in to the Television I had, then EARC out to the sound bar.
There is no option to do that. This wouldn’t be a forever receiver im looking to buy, if/when I upgrade to full sound system in future I would get a different one.
What’s my cheapest best option so I can have my Apple TV/xbox and Nintendo switch plugged in. Then my audio split to sound bar and video sent to the Epson projector?