Corporate-forced trend. New Stanley executive is the former Crocs CEO, who found out you can manufacture a trend with limited editions/FOMO marketing, paying off influencers, and making people feel kitsch for buying objectively ugly products.
!? Out of the loop.. ?
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They're decent to high quality insulated cups that are made popular by a cycle of induced scarcity. The CEO imported Sneaker Culture, producing only limited supplies and limiting releases of sponsored partnership-products, so that the fact that they can be hard to find makes more people feel like it's important to try to find and buy them.
Thanks for your informative answer.
Well, you have to be a really good hockey team to win one...
It's simple; people are stupid.
It's been the top prize for North American ice hockey teams since the 19th century.
They're dishwasher safe and cheaper than Yeti. Most insulated mugs aren't dishwasher safe.