Spinnaker's is a nice restaurant/pub in Vic. Courtenay/Comox area has lots of beautiful nature hikes, well honestly anywhere up &down the coast!
It is a plant, just of a sort that has turned to parasitism I suppose for its nutrients. I believe they are part of a larger family of plants named saprophytes.
And ketchup chips and hawaiian pizza! OK OK I know I'm pushing my luck here :)
Same for ladybird beetles (ladybugs)! They love undisturbed autumn leaves and are natural pest control, so you should give them any opportunity possible to over-winter their eggs in your yard :)
This article seems to imply that it was Zelenskyy, NOT Trump and Vance, who really were the unreasonable ones here. The sheer arrogance in saying 'You should thank us more!' ... Zelenskyy was right, the US has an entire ocean between them and this conflict, so they are being extremely cavalier about the threat Russia presents.
Hey don't forget to look for the maple leaf on those products too! :)
Or, you know... just slide us Canucks right into the EU, if you please. ASAP.
Zelenskyy seems the best candidate right now. He has the most skin in the game of any leader and is the only one so far to have shown the mettle to do it...
It would be the best kick in the teeth for Putin and the US fascists -- the one they wanted to stomp over becomes the head of their most powerful opposition.
We CaN't AfForD to LoSe aCcEsS <whimper>
Moldova, Belarus, Poland, ...
Good on him for cancelling the presser. They don't deserve the respect of him giving them any more of his time away from defending his country (and us all, by proxy).
Guh. They spin harder than a goddamned pulsar. Zelenskyy had incredible restraint to sit through this meeting, what a total waste of his valuable time.
The EU and the world needs to lift one big middle-finger to this administration and support Ukraine in any way possible. The US needs to be shut out in the cold, NOW. Kick them out of NATO. Put Ukraine in their place. EU, throw out the bloody procedural bullshit and just DO IT NOW. Start building tanks and planes and drones and ammo NOW, because the world will need it to stop Russia without the US's help. After Ukraine, it'll be Moldova, then all the other small neighbouring nations, then ...
Ah! Thanks for the clarification. I should've done a side-search to check before posting.
Hmm, wikipedia says... "... Instead of generating food using the energy from sunlight, it is parasitic, and more specifically a mycoheterotroph" though.