I know these things get hot, but 90 degrees when it's not even in use is bananas.
Hardware Gore
Welcome to /c/HardwareGore!
This community is dedicated to showcasing broken hardware like phones, laptops, computer hardware and other devices. Here, you can see everything from shattered screens, bent casings, fried motherboards, destroyed gadgets, to liquid damaged phones and battery explosions. Share your unfortunate moments, whether they are unintentional accidents or from moments with lack of control.
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(last updated: 10th October 2023 - Rewording some rules, minor updates to existing rules and introduction of Rule 7; no actual change in how the community works than it already does)
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It traces rays around corners though.
1200$ no trades or offers. I know what i have.
These new video compression algorithms are nuts.
"Never been mined on."
That got hit by a forklift or some shit in the warehouse.
Nah, it was just delivered by USPS.
I mean style is style, and you should be happy with your rig, but my dude, that's gonna restrict airflow.
* record scratches *
"You're probably wondering how I got here. Well, it all started in the Central Bureaucracy..."
That's a lot of power connectors.
Now that you mention it...
There are other components under the heatsink that could be salvaged. The GPU has a small chance it survived as well as some of the memory chips as long as they didn't separate violently or get cracked. The MOSFETs could be of value as well since they tend to be higher quality and in unique package types.
It's useless on its own, but the parts could be of value to a repair shop.
With proper tools even crystal can be salvaged from GPU chip
Could be a 3080 or 3090. What a shame.
Small case? Just fold it
Mini itx build be like
Did Torvalds get his hands on it?
L is for Linus
🖕 is for NVIDIA
Damn im jelous your one of the cool kids with them fancy folding graphics card. Just like a Z flip
Not mine btw
Yeah i kinda assumed. I did it for the memes
Sell it on eBay as slightly used.
My broken ass brain took about 10 seconds before concluding this was not a fancy ski boot or something
All your graphics are gonna be bent 90° now.
Don't tickle your GPU!
Bro just bend it back, its fine
iPhone bend challenge went out of control
My state when i say I'm fine
I see someone has been Folding@Home.