Gluttony isn’t really related to beauty standards as it is filling a void in oneself by mean of consuming externally. Food, drugs, consumerism, screens, thrill, sex etc.
The Satanic Temple
I noticed there wasn't a TST Lemmy community. The Satanic Temple is a modern satanic religion that aims to promote human rights and compassion. Check out their about page on their official website at Note that this community is not an official affiliation. TST is also separate and not affiliated with the Church of Satan, who have a slightly different viewpoint of what satanism truly is. Dunno what to post in here, but maybe some will search for this and take part. Hello!
Yeah, I agree, opposing rampant consumerism is a better fit IMO.
Yeah, if I remade this nowadays I'd likely do exactly that, or lean more towards bodily independence, but hindsight is 20/20. Thank you!
I think it's great! How long ago did you make it? Perhaps it's time for an updated version for this modern age. ;)
I was going to say it makes no sense but then I think about how they do try to frame worker action for a living wage as gree and wanting a lower work week to coincide with productivity gains as sloth and you know maybe we do need to take back these words.
You missed #8, Dictionarious, the King of Spelling and Grammar
Any grammar errors I should correct for next time? English isn't my first language.
You’ve spelled “superstition” wrong in the first one, you’ve inconsistently used the Oxford comma, and some of the phrasing is inconsistent. Apologies for the first comment sounding so snarky. I was trying to point it out through humor but, if English isn’t your first language, it just seems mean.
No big! I got a good chuckle out of it, thanks!
I'd just amend baalzebub to make it refer to the right of nurishment and food access given the fake scarcity created by multinationals predating the resources of third world countries to bring obesity and illness to first world countries.
For the rest I totally second this list and do agree with your interpretation, very good work brother!
Ooo, that's good, thanks for the input. And thank you so much!
is there a difference between lucifer and satan?